    Parses a \samp{DTD} (Document Type Description) file.

    The parse tree conforms to the following logic structure:
        \item \textit{comment} (optional) holds the last comment block found into the DTD
            before the first DTD element, if any. This comment is interpreted as an explanation on
            what the DTD is for.
        \item \textit{listOfElements}[] contains the list of all \samp{"<!ELEMENT"} nodes encountered:
                \item \textit{comment} (optional) holds the comment block that stands just before the element
                    description in the DTD, if any.
                \item \textit{category} (optional) is worth \samp{"EMPTY"} or \samp{"ANY"}.
                \item \textit{composite} (present if and only if \textit{category} doesn't exist)
                        \item \textit{multiplicity} (optional) is worth \textbf{'?'} or \textbf{'*'}
                            or \textbf{'+'}
                        \item nodes put into the array (\textit{composite}[]):
                                \item \textit{operator} (present on each node, except the last one) is worth
                                \textbf{','} or \textbf{'|'}
                                \item \textit{constant} (one and only one field amongst \textit{constant} and \textit{element} and \textit{composite}) is worth \textbf{"#PCDATA"}
                                \item \textit{element} name of an element
                                        \item \textit{multiplicity} (optional) is worth \textbf{'?'} or \textbf{'*'} or \textbf{'+'}
                                \item \textit{composite} recursive structure
                \item \textit{listOfAttributes}[] contains the list of all attributes belonging
                    to the element (one and only one amongst \textit{type}, \textit{listOfEnums}
                    and \textit{constant}):
                        \item \textit{type} is worth \samp{"CDATA"} or \samp{"ID"} or \samp{"IDREF"}
                            or \samp{"IDREFS"} or \samp{"NMTOKEN"} or \samp{"NMTOKENS"} or \samp{"ENTITY"}
                            or \samp{"ENTITIES"} or \samp{"NOTATION"}
                        \item \textit{listOfEnums} list of enumerated values
                        \item \textit{constant} a constant value
                        \item \textit{value} (optional, \textit{constant} must be populated) is worth
                            \samp{"#IMPLIED"} or \samp{"#REQUIRED"} or \samp{"DEFAULT"} or
        \item \textit{listOfEntities}[] contains the list of all \samp{"<!ENTITY"} nodes encountered.
                \item \textit{comment} (optional) holds the comment block that stands just before
                the entity description in the DTD, if any.
                \item \textit{external} (optional) is worth \samp{"SYSTEM"}
                \item \textit{constant} is the value of the entity after resolution of references
                    to other entities.

    Note that the grammar doesn't handle entities correctly yet. If you need it or if you
    encounter some bugs, please send an email to \email{\WebSite\ } and your request will be
    taken into account as fast as possible.

DTDdocument ::=
        ["<?" #continue -> "?>"]?
            ] => clearVariable(sComment);

DTDelement(sComment : value)    ::=    "<!ELEMENT"
                    => {
                        insert this.listOfElements[sElementName] = sElementName;
                        insert this.listOfElements[sElementName].comment = sComment;
element_category    ::= "EMPTY" | "ANY";
composite_element_content(myContent : node)    ::= '(' #continue element_content(myContent.composite[getArraySize(myContent.composite)]) [[',' | '|']:myContent.composite[sub(getArraySize(myContent.composite), 1)].operator #continue element_content(myContent.composite[getArraySize(myContent.composite)])]* ')' ['?' | '*' | '+']?:myContent.composite.multiplicity;
element_content(myContent : node)    ::= constant_element_content:myContent.constant | IDENTIFIER:myContent.element ['?' | '*' | '+']?:myContent.element.multiplicity | composite_element_content(myContent);
constant_element_content    ::= "#PCDATA";

DTDattribute(myComment : value)    ::=
        "<!ATTLIST" #continue IDENTIFIER:sElementName
        => insert this.listOfElements[sElementName];
        => localref elt = this.listOfElements[sElementName];
            => insert elt.listOfAttributes[sAttributeName] = sAttributeName;
attribute_type(myAttribute : node)    ::=
            #readIdentifier:{"CDATA", "ID", "IDREF", "IDREFS", "NMTOKEN", "NMTOKENS", "ENTITY", "ENTITIES", "NOTATION"}:myAttribute.type
attribute_enum_type(myAttribute : node)    ::=
        '(' #continue
        => insert myAttribute.listOfEnums[sEnum] = sEnum;
            '|' #continue
            => insert myAttribute.listOfEnums[sEnum] = sEnum;
attribute_default_value(myAttribute : node)    ::=
            ["#DEFAULT" | "#FIXED"]?:myAttribute.value

DTDentity(sComment : value)    ::=
        "<!ENTITY" #continue '%' IDENTIFIER:sEntityName
        => insert this.listOfEntities[sEntityName] = sEntityName;
        => insert this.listOfEntities[sEntityName].comment = sComment;
        => {
            local iIndex = $findString(sConstant, "%") + 1$;
            while $iIndex > 0$ {
                local iSemiComma = findNextString(sConstant, ";", iIndex);
                if $iSemiComma < 0$ error("';' expected in the value of '<!ENTITY %" + sEntityName + " \"" + sConstant + "\">'");
                local sEmbeddedEntity = midString(sConstant, iIndex, $iSemiComma - iIndex$);
                if !findElement(sEmbeddedEntity, this.listOfEntities) error("entity %" + sEntityName + " refers to entity '%" + sEmbeddedEntity + ";' that doesn't exist");
                local sEmbeddedConstant = this.listOfEntities[sEmbeddedEntity].constant;
                set sConstant = leftString(sConstant, $iIndex - 1$) + sEmbeddedConstant + subString(sConstant, $iSemiComma + 1$);
                set iIndex = $iIndex + lengthString(sEmbeddedConstant) - 1$;
                set iIndex = $findNextString(sConstant, "%", iIndex) + 1$;
            insert this.listOfEntities[sEntityName].constant = sConstant;

COMMENT : value    ::= "<!--" #!ignore #continue [~"-->"]*:COMMENT "-->";
IDENTIFIER : value    ::=
        #!ignore #readIdentifier:IDENTIFIER
        [['-' | '.'] #readIdentifier]*:sIdentifier
        => set IDENTIFIER += sIdentifier;
STRING_LITERAL:value ::= '"' #!ignore #continue ->(:STRING_LITERAL)'"' | "'" #!ignore #continue ->(:STRING_LITERAL)"'";

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