    To illustrate the profiling intrusion of code, one distinguish the C++ sources
    before and after the transformation.

    C++ source files before transformation are postfixed by "_before.*".
    C++ source files after transformation are postfixed by "_after.*".

    In the real life, this distinction has no sense and one modifies the C++ source
    files directly. But in all cases, the file \samp{"repository/RawProfiling.h"}
    must be copied in the directory used for the \textit{profiling module}.

    The file \samp{"examples/RawProfiling_main.cpp"} computes the Towers of Hanoi.
    Then, it writes the results of the profiling in a HTML file.

input  "examples/RawProfiling_before.cpp";
file   "examples/RawProfiling_example1.h", "examples/RawProfiling_main.cpp";
output "examples/RawProfiling_after.cpp", "examples/RawProfiling.html";

copyFile("examples/RawProfiling_before.cpp", getWorkingPath() + "examples/RawProfiling_after.cpp");
copyFile("repository/RawProfiling.h", getWorkingPath() + "examples/RawProfiling.h");

setProperty("SOURCES", getWorkingPath() + "examples/RawProfiling_after.*");
setProperty("RAW_PROFILING_DIR", getWorkingPath() + "examples/");

#include "repository/RawProfilingLeader.cws"

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