    This script generates the mplementation of the \textit{profiling module}.

    Each function scanned for the profiling has both a counter and a chronograph assigned.
    The chronograph holds the total time spent in the function.

    The display of result is the simplest that may exist: functions are listed with the number
    of calls and the total time (\samp{RawProfiling::displayResults()}).

    The file to generate is \samp{"RawProfiling.cpp"} and will be put in \samp{RAW_PROFILING_DIR}.

@#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#ifdef WIN32
#    include "windows.h"
#    include "winbase.h"
#    include <sys/timeb.h>

#include "RawProfiling.h"

namespace RawProfiling {
    unsigned long Chronograph::getTimeInMillis() {
        if (active_) {
        return (unsigned long) (elapsed_ / freqInMillis_);

    int64 Chronograph::now() {
#ifdef WIN32
        LARGE_INTEGER value;
        return (int64)value.QuadPart;
        struct timeb tb;
        return (int64)tb.time * 1000 + (int64)tb.millitm;

    int64 Chronograph::freq() {
#ifdef WIN32
        LARGE_INTEGER freq;
        return (int64)freq.QuadPart;
        return 1000;

    void RawProfiling::displayResults() {

foreach i in this.listOfKeys {
    if i.class {
        @        std::cout << "@i.class@::@i.name@ (" << @i@_counter << ", " << @i@_chronograph.getTimeInMillis() << "ms)" << std::endl;
    } else {
        @        std::cout << "@i.name@ (" << @i@_counter << ", " << @i@_chronograph.getTimeInMillis() << "ms)" << std::endl;

@    }

    bool RawProfiling::writeToHTML(const std::string& sFilename) {
        std::ofstream HTMLFile(sFilename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
        if (HTMLFile.fail()) return false;
        HTMLFile << "<html>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t<body>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t<h2>Profiling results</h2>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t<table border=\"1\">" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t<tr>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td><b>Function</b></td>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td><b>Occurrences</b></td>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td><b>Time in ms</b></td>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t</tr>" << std::endl;

foreach i in this.listOfKeys {
    @        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t<tr>" << std::endl;
    if i.class {
        @        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td><i>@i.class@::@i.name@</i></td>" << std::endl;
    } else {
        @        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td><i>@i.name@</i></td>" << std::endl;
    @        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td>" << @i@_counter << "</td>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t\t<td>" << @i@_chronograph.getTimeInMillis() << "</td>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t\t\t</tr>" << std::endl;

@        HTMLFile << "\t\t</table>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "\t</body>" << std::endl;
        HTMLFile << "</html>" << std::endl;
        return true;


foreach i in this.listOfKeys {
    @    int RawProfiling::@i@_counter = 0;
    Chronograph RawProfiling::@i@_chronograph = Chronograph();


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