    Walks through the AST of a XSL file parsed previously, and generates a \CodeWorker\ script
    for producing text from the XML file as the XSL transformation could have proceed.

    If you encounter some bugs, please send a mail to \email{\WebSite\ }.

declare function convertXSLContent(currentNode : node, env : node);

function convertExpr<"name">(expr : node, env : node) {
    if !expr.is_attribute {
        if env.mode == "select" {
        } else {

function convertExpr<"/">(expr : node, env : node) {
    convertExpr<expr.left.type>(expr.left, env);
    convertExpr<expr.right.type>(expr.right, env);

function convertExpr<"root">(expr : node, env : node) {

function convertExpr<"0">(expr : node, env : node) {

function convertExpr<"current">(expr : node, env : node) {

function convertExpr<">">(expr : node, env : node) {
    convertExpr<expr.left.type>(expr.left, env);
    @ > @
    convertExpr<expr.right.type>(expr.right, env);

function convertSelect(expr : node, env : node) {
    local sOldMode = env.mode;
    insert env.mode = "select";
    convertExpr<expr.type>(expr, env);
    set env.mode = sOldMode;

function convertPath(expr : node, env : node) {
    local sOldMode = env.mode;
    insert env.mode = "path";
    convertExpr<expr.type>(expr, env);
    set env.mode = sOldMode;

function convertXSL<"value-of">(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    convertPath(currentNode.select, env);

function convertCondition(expr : node, env : node) {
    local sOldMode = env.mode;
    insert env.mode = "condition";
    convertExpr<expr.type>(expr, env);
    set env.mode = sOldMode;

function convertXSL<"choose">(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    @@env.indentation@if @convertCondition(currentNode.test, env)@ {
    set env.indentation += "\t";
    convertXSLContent(currentNode.when, env);
    set env.indentation = subString(env.indentation, 1);
    @@env.indentation@} else {
    set env.indentation += "\t";
    convertXSLContent(currentNode.otherwise, env);
    set env.indentation = subString(env.indentation, 1);

function convertXSL<"for-each">(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    @@env.indentation@select i@env.index@ in @
    convertSelect(currentNode.select, env);
    @ {
    local sOldCurrent = env.current;
    set env.current = "i" + env.index;
    set env.indentation += "\t";
    convertXSLContent(currentNode, env);
    set env.indentation = subString(env.indentation, 1);
    set env.current = sOldCurrent;

function convertXSL<"template">(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    convertXSLContent(currentNode, env);

function convertXSL<"stylesheet">(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    convertXSLContent(currentNode, env);

function convertXSLContent(currentNode : node, env : node) {
    foreach i in currentNode.content {
        if !i.type {
            if i writeText(env.indentation + "%>" + i + "<%" + endl());
        } else {
            convertXSL<i.type>(i, env);



local env;
insert env.indentation = "\t";
insert env.current = "this";
insert env.root = env.current;
insert env.index = 0;

convertXSL<this.type>(this, env);

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