//                     Translation script
// Searches SQL markup and replaces them by a C++ equivalent
// implementation.
// A translation script is an extended-BNF script that allows
// generating code in the same time.

// We want to put all scanned characters in the output

// The head of the grammar is the first production rule
// encountered
inlineCodeExpander    ::=
        // ignore C++ comments and whitespaces between terminals
        // and non-terminals.
                // Jump over strings
                // Handle a SQL markup
                // The script keeps the position just before '<'
                => local iStartPosition = $getOutputLocation() - 1$;
                // from now, scanned tokens aren't put in the output
                // The output file position stands just before '<'
                // to erase the markup
                => setOutputLocation(iStartPosition);
                // Call of a non-terminal that takes in charge of
                // replacing the markup with C++ code
                // If not a string and not a markup, reading of any
                // character

// Replaces a SQL markup with the C++ corresponding code
expandSQLMarkup    ::=
        => {
            @DBHandle* db_handle = db_connect();
    DBQueryData* db_data = db_query(db_handle, "@
        // Copy of the query in the output
        // ignore the end of the markup
        => {
    for (int record = 0; record < db_data->length; record++) {
        // fetch and process data

Generated by v4.2 from CWscript2HTML.cwp.