All Past Downloads

CodeWorker is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Sun Solaris version compiles under CC v8 correctly since version 3.5.
The Mac version compiles under Mac OS X 10.3 correctly since version 3.4.
The Linux version compiles under gcc 3.2 20020927.
CodeWorker runs under Cygwin correctly since version 2.09.

Under Linux/Unix, please read the Makefile before compiling.

Under Windows platform, you might have to download the DLLs below:
  • From version 3.5 of the binary: runtime DLLs of VC++ 7.1 msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll in "‰SystemRoot‰/System32".
  • Up to version version 3.4 of the binary: runtime DLL of VC++ 6.0 msvcp60.dll in "‰SystemRoot‰/System32".

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any trouble (source recompiling, binaries, constructive criticisms, suggestions, ...).

 To subscribe to new releases.

CodeWorker 4.5.3, 27apr2010
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 665632
Any platform (?) sources 3277274
Date Type Caller Description
17apr2010 bug_fix Lionel Auroux Compliance of some C++ source files with GCC 4.3 and more.
17apr2010 bug_fix Lionel Auroux Prevent against multiple inclusions of the same script file.
17apr2010 improvement - The generation headers now show a reference to the template-based script that caused the generation of a file (feature initiated by the function setGenerationHeader()).
CodeWorker 4.5.2, 02aug2008
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries -4
Any platform (?) sources -4
Date Type Caller Description
02aug2008 feature Franck Watteau Java API: add of an item into the array of a parse tree.
31jul2008 bug_fix Franck Watteau Java API: the execution of a parse/template-based/translation script before compiling the corresponding script now raises an exception rather than provoking a crash.
CodeWorker 4.5.1, 28jul2008
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 665464
Any platform (?) sources 3531944
Date Type Caller Description
27jul2008 improvement Lionel Auroux The syntax of a constant tree declaration has changed. It better describes arrays and subnodes.
27jul2008 improvement Lionel Auroux The procedure saveProject() now saves a parse tree to a specific text format when the file name ends with the extension ".txt". This format is the same as for a constant tree declaration.
27jul2008 function Lionel Auroux
  • procedure loadProject(XMLorTXTFileName : stringnodeToLoad : tree)
    XMLorTXTFileNamestringan input file whose content describes a node
    nodeToLoadtreethe node to populate from the file; if omitted, it is defaulted to the global variable \samp{project}

    Loads a parse tree previously saved thanks to saveProject().

27jul2008 bug_fix Thor #continue throwing their own syntax error messages now properly raise the error: the call stack displays the most relevant syntax error message instead of the most general.
27jul2008 improvement Thierry WILMOT During a debug session that executes a parse script, the current location in the parsed file (line/column) is displayed after each progression (step in/out) in the controlling sequence.
CodeWorker 4.5, 20jul2008
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 661894
Any platform (?) sources 3521278
Date Type Caller Description
14jul2008 bug_fix - A segmentation fault was appearing when default values were assigned to some parameters of instantiated template functions.
13jul2008 function -
  • function existDirectory(path : string) : bool
    pathstringpath name of the directory

    The function checks the existence of a directory specified by the path argument.

05may2008 feature Hugo Beauzee-Luyssen #foreach is a new BNF directive directive in charge of iterating on a BNF sequence.
04may2008 feature Hugo Beauzee-Luyssen #applyBNFRule is a directive to put into a piece of common script. Its purpose consists of calling a BNF non-terminal from inside common script embedded into a BNF script.
03may2008 feature David GIRON Syntax extension to express variable increment ($i++$; and decrement ($i--$;
03may2008 feature - New family of insignificant characters (extended BNF script): spaces. #ignore(spaces) consumes all space (ASCII 0x20) and tabulation characters encountered.
15dec2007 bug_fix Thierry WILMOT In some cases under Window platform, the interpreter is unable to start, due to an unitialized memory read.
CodeWorker 4.4, 21nov2007
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries -4
Any platform (?) sources -4
Date Type Caller Description
18nov2007 improvement David GIRON #break is now able to leave a BNF repeating sequence conditionally. The condition follows the directive name between parenthesis, exactly like a #check.
18nov2007 improvement David GIRON #continue can describe a custom error message. This message will be thrown instead of the default one ordinarly raised by the BNF engine as soon as a failure occurs in the rest of the BNF sequence.
18nov2007 function Benjamin GUESNEAU
  • procedure extendExecutedScript(scriptContent : string)
    scriptContentstringA piece of CodeWorker's script to compile at the end of the currently executed script

    Extend the currently executed CodeWorker's script with new instructions. The argument scriptContent is a piece of script to compile at the end of the executed script.

13oct2007 bug_fix Pierre Mitzrahi The call of equalTrees without declaring each tree parameter before caused a segmentation fault.
13oct2007 bug_fix Sergey Sikorskiy CodeWorker won't compile NetSocket.cpp wiht gcc 4.1.2 on x86_64 platform.
CodeWorker 4.3, 03aug2007
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 658669
Any platform (?) sources 3185080
Date Type Caller Description
28jul2007 feature Pierre Mitzrahi New BNF directive: #EOL. It consumes an end of line.
31jul2007 function -
  • function equalLastWrittenChars(text : string) : bool
    textstringstring value to compare

    Compare the text argument with last characters written in the output file.

25jul2007 option Benoit Barraud Add of a new option on the command line: -stdout
15jul2007 bug_fix Markus Marb A bug was fixed in hexadecimal conversion.
25jun2007 bug_fix Lionel Auroux GCC 4.0 was refusing to compile a source file of CodeWorker: "GrfForeach.h".
10jun2007 bug_fix Nicolas Marin CodeWorker didn't take into account UNC paths in MS-Windows properly.
CodeWorker 4.2, 01may2006
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 657270
Any platform (?) sources 3177724
Date Type Caller Description
29apr2006 feature - Addition of a new BNF directive: #readPythonString. A Python string is surrounded by simple quotes or double quotes. Moreover, it accepts triple-quoted strings.
CodeWorker 4.1.2, 02apr2006
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 653536
Any platform (?) sources 3171291
Date Type Caller Description
31mar2006 bug_fix - The loading policy of a dynamically-linked plugin was extremely restricted under Windows NT4, 2000 and more recent versions. The DLL was necessarily at the same place as CodeWorker's executable. Now, the interpreter also looks into include path and current working directory.
17mar2006 feature Mohamed Selim BEN ALI treeNode#root navigates directly to the root node of the parse tree that contains treeNode.
16mar2006 bug_fix - POST and GET HTTP requests (using cURL library) weren't working properly.
CodeWorker 4.1.1, 14mar2006
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 645305
Any platform (?) sources 3035271
Date Type Caller Description
11mar2006 bug_fix Mohamed Selim BEN ALI During the execution of a BNF-extended script through the C++/Java/C# API of CodeWorker, the use of BNF directives #insert and #pushItem was causing a crash.
31jan2006 bug_fix Justin CINJELJ Compile fix for Red Hat 9.
03jan2006 bug_fix - A bug was fixed in creating a new parse file from Eclipse.
CodeWorker 4.1, 07dec2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 645046
Any platform (?) sources 3032127
Date Type Caller Description
07dec2005 improvement - New Eclipse plugin for CodeWorker (version 1.1.0). It can work with CodeWorker 4.0.4 or higher. User's manual about the plugin is accessible from the menu item "Help/Help Contents".
07dec2005 improvement - the extbf{-debug} switch now admits an optional parameter to ask for a remote socket control of the debugging session.
04dec2005 improvement - The coverage recording of output files wasn't working perfectly. This process consists of keeping a trace of the generation: what piece of the output file was generated by what instruction of the template-based script.
03dec2005 bug_fix - On Windows, if may have arrived that a generated file was locked for writing.
27nov2005 option - Add of a new option on the command line: -report
CodeWorker 4.0.3, 21nov2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 637312
Any platform (?) sources 3027365
Date Type Caller Description
20nov2005 feature - An Eclipse plugin now exists for CodeWorker's script. This first version is limited to syntax highlighting, text hover over built-in functions, and integrated documentation. The reference manual and a tutorial are accessible from the "Help Contents" menu topic.
19nov2005 bug_fix - The UNIX/Linux makefile hadn't been updated: reference to 3 source files was lacking.
19nov2005 bug_fix - "GrfExecutionContext.cpp" was unable to compile under UNIX.
04nov2005 bug_fix - Trouble on #readNumeric, when the first character to parse starts with a plus symbol.
CodeWorker 4.0.2, 28oct2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 636820
Any platform (?) sources 2958365
Date Type Caller Description
13sep2005 feature Guillermo M. Zambrino Now, CodeWorker has a logo! Many thanks to its author: Guillermo M. Zambrino.
28oct2005 feature DSM workshop/OOPSLA 2005 A functionality has been added to code generation, to know where the output comes from. In CodeWorker, an output file is generated by a template-based script. The directive #coverage asks for the recording of every script position giving rise to a piece of the output file.

This directive is located anywhere in the script to study, and requires a variable the code generation engine will populate with coverage data. The variable will be a list of sorted segments, entirely determined by their starting position in the output and by the position of the corresponding script instruction. These positions are respectively stored in attributes output and script.

An added information is assigned to the node representing the segment. It specifies the type of script instruction, belonging to one of the following values:

  • R: rough text,
  • W: expression, variable or call to a writeText()-family procedure,
  • I: call to a insertText()-family procedure,
  • O: call to overwritePortion() procedure,


rough text EOL


Let say that is worth "VARIABLE_CONTENT". The script generates the following output file:


The variable project.coverage is then worth the following list:

   ["0"] = "R"
       script = 12
       output = 0
   ["1"] = "W"
       script = 21
       output = 11
   ["2"] = "R"
       script = 29
       output = 27

CodeWorker 4.0.1, 19aug2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 628411
Any platform (?) sources 2307422
Date Type Caller Description
18aug2005 bug_fix - The compilation of the scripting language failed on functions where the first argument was optional and when the function was called without parameter.
18aug2005 improvement - Now, the procedure incrementIndentLevel() and the function decrementIndentLevel() accept both an optional argument, giving the indentation depth to add or remove.
15aug2005 improvement - The native translation of CodeWorker scripts to C++ has been improved, to get ready for the version 4.1, which will be the first release where scripts can substitute the CodeWorker scripting language for Java (C++ intervenes here!).
15aug2005 bug_fix - In extended-BNF scripts, the directive #matching wasn't recording properly the coverage of parsed files by production rules.
31jul2005 feature - New BNF statement modifier #debug: it opens a debug session, applied on the rest of the BNF sequence.
CodeWorker 4.0, 28jul2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 621344
Any platform (?) sources 2223437
Major evolution of CodeWorker. It is now possible to integrate the CodeWorker's features about parsing and code generation into C++, Java and .NET applications.
Date Type Caller Description
27jul2005 feature Alan CYMENT Implementation of a .NET assembly for CodeWorker.
24jul2005 feature - The native translation of CodeWorker scripts to C++ produces a C++ source code, which can be optimized. The C++ optimizer is an external program-transformation script that the developer can reuse to implement his own transformations.
24jul2005 option - Add of a new option on the command line: -c++2target
23jul2005 feature - Implementation of Java interface for CodeWorker (JNI library and org.codeworker.jni package).
17jul2005 feature - Add of the new BNF directive #matching(variable):
this directive is put outside the production rules. It informs the BNF engine to record the coverage of the input text by the production rules. Concretely, the BNF engine stores into a variable the list of all production rules of the grammar and all areas they match in the input text, once the execution has finished. The BNF engine populates the variable specified by the directive.

      Tree structure of the variable populated by the BNF engine
      for #matching(variable):
      * variable
        +- rules[]: list of production rules (signatures only),
        +- areas[]: table of positions in the input text, the
          | key is worth the position P; no item value
          +- begin[]: (optional) table for every rule starting
          | | at the position P, the key being worth the
          | | ending position Pf (decreasing order)
          | +- []: list of all rules matching [P, Pf] exactly,
          +- end[]: (facultative) table for every rule ending at
            | the position P, the key being worth the
            | starting position Pi (increasing order)
            +- []: list of all rules matching [Pi, P] exactly,

28jun2005 improvement Jon SCOBIE During a debugging session, break/watch points are numbered for an easy deletion.
23jun2005 improvement Brian WELCH Now, the function traceObject() can display a tree up to a given depth (second optional parameter).
CodeWorker 3.12, 24jun2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 604656
Any platform (?) sources 2110946
Date Type Caller Description
23jun2005 feature Jon SCOBIE A debugger session now accepts conditional breakpoints and handles watchpoints on variables, conditional or not. These new features are very efficient to accelerate the debugging.

Conditions conform to the syntax of usual CodeWorker expressions. When a break/watchpoint is activated, a block of instructions can be executed. The block is a piece of CodeWorker script.

CodeWorker, 07jun2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 601319
Any platform (?) sources 1825643
Date Type Caller Description
07jun2005 bug_fix - The C++ source file ExprScriptFunction.cpp wasn't capable to compile correctly; fixed. Two C++ source files had to be removed from the Makefile: GrfCreateIterator.cpp and GrfCreateReverseIterator.cpp; fixed.
CodeWorker 3.11, 03jun2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 600188
Any platform (?) sources 1838717
Date Type Caller Description
03jun2005 deprecated - In precedent versions, a function prototype may accept the parameter type index (rarely used). It is now obsolete and changed to iterator.
03jun2005 function Jon SCOBIE
  • function duplicateIterator(oldIt : iteratornewIt : treeref) : bool
    oldItiteratorthe original iterator to duplicate
    newIttreerefcopy of the original iterator

    Duplicates an iterator or returns false if oldIt isn't an iterator.

  • function createIterator(i : iteratorlist : treeref) : bool
    iiteratoriterator to initialize
    listtreerefthe iterator will point to the beginning of this list

    The variable i will become an iterator pointing to the first item of the list.

    If the list is empty, there is no iterator created and the function returns false.

    i must have been declared before.

  • function createReverseIterator(i : iteratorlist : treeref) : bool
    iiteratoriterator to initialize
    listtreerefthe iterator will point to the end of this list

    The variable i will become an iterator pointing to the last item of the list and will iterate in the reverse order.

    If the list is empty, there is no iterator created and the function returns false.

    i must have been declared before.

  • function index(i : iterator) : int
    iiteratoriterator of a \samp{foreach} statement

    Returns the position of the item the iterator points to. The position in the list begins counting at 0.

  • function prec(i : iterator) : bool
    iiteratoriterator of a \samp{foreach} statement or pointing to items of a list

    The iterator will now point to the precedent item of the list and returns true if exists.

  • function next(i : iterator) : bool
    iiteratoriterator of a \samp{foreach} statement or pointing to items of a list

    The iterator will now point to the next item of the list and returns true if exists.

CodeWorker 3.10.4, 27may2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 597722
Any platform (?) sources 1816779
Date Type Caller Description
26may2005 improvement - The function saveProject() accepts a facultative parameter nodeToSave, which is a subtree you wish to save to XML; by default, the saved node is the global tree project.
26may2005 improvement - The functions loadFile() and loadBinaryFile accept a facultative parameter length indicating the number of bytes to read.
26may2005 bug_fix - A template-based script using the automatic indent mode (function incrementIndentLevel) for generating text, may badly copy rough text after a new line starting with more tabulations than the current indent level.
18may2005 bug_fix - A translation script, passed as a relative path in the function translateString, may haven't been found.
CodeWorker 3.10.3, 16may2005
Platform Type Size Archive GnuPG signature
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 596975
Any platform (?) sources 1817717
CodeWorker 3.10, 22apr2005
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 596988
Any platform (?) sources 1807000
Until the version 3.9.1, the scripting language didn't oblige to declare the variables before their use. From now, it is recommended and a warning message appears otherwise, but the beheviour doesn't change yet. This warning is going to mutate to an error message in future versions of the interpreter.

In front of a variable name never declared, the behaviour remains the same: the variable is inserted to the this context automatically as a new attribute.

The rationale is firstly for improving the reliability of scripts, detecting bad variable names like spelling or foolish mistake in the name, and secondly to prepare the introduction of Object-Oriented Programming into CodeWorker.

Date Type Caller Description
20apr2005 improvement - As stipulated in the remarks heading, a warning occurs if a variable is used whitout having been declared before. These warnings are going to become an error message in the future, so it is strongly recommended to hunt them now, by declaring these variables as local or global or as attributes belonging to the this context tree (default behaviour).
19apr2005 function -
  • function addToDate(date : stringformat : stringshifting : string) : string
    datestringthe date to change
    formatstringthe format to apply on the reading of the \samp{shifting} argument
    shiftingstringthe offset values to apply on the date, whose meanings are known by the \samp{offset} argument

    Change a date by applying offset values on its internal representation. The internal representation holds the year / month / day and hour / minute / second and millisecond fields. You choose what fields to shift, giving a date format as the first argument, and an offset value for each fields seen in the format as the second argument.

    The field types have the same syntax as in the function formatDate, except that the field values might be negative.
    For instance, if the field type is "%m", the month must occupy 2 digits maximum for a positive offset, and 3 characters for a negative offset, the first one being the sign.

    The offsets are applied in the order they are read, from the left-hand side to the right.

    The function returns the value of the date after applying the shift.

14apr2005 bug_fix - About the parsing: #nextStep had no effect on the jump operator when put in a repeat regular expression.
13apr2005 function -
  • procedure allFloatingLocations(list : tree)
    listtreefloating location names and their position

    Populates the argument list with all floating location registered to the current output stream, such as the entry key is the floating location name and the entry value is the position in the stream.

12apr2005 bug_fix - Correction of a bug introduced in the version 3.9: the BNF predefined non-terminal #readNumeric wasn't returning the correct floating-point value after the reading of a signed exponent.
CodeWorker 3.9, 08apr2005
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 589051
Any platform (?) sources 1733461
Date Type Caller Description
07apr2005 function -
  • function removeFloatingLocation(key : string) : int
    keystringname of an existing floating position into the output stream

    Removes the floating location attached to key and returns its position. If the floating location belongs to a parent output stream, it is removed from the parent.

    The function returns a negative integer if the floating location doesn't exist.

06apr2005 behaviour - The predefined tree node null was added, and means a null pointer. Used for writing plugins, for instance, passing a tree node as a null pointer to C++.
10mar2005 bug_fix - The directive #nextStep should have been available in a repeating regular expression ([...]*), but wasn't.
17feb2005 function -
  • function sqrt(x : double) : double
    xdoublethe number we want to calculate the square root

    Calculates the square root of x.

    An invalid number causes the function to throw an error.

16feb2005 function Laurent DOMINGOS
  • procedure sleep(millis : int)
    millisinthow many milliseconds the execution must be suspended

    The procedure suspends the execution for millis milliseconds.

10feb2005 bug_fix - Correction on the C++ native translation of BNF template non-terminals.
10feb2005 bug_fix - In functions parseAsBNF() and translate() and expand() and generate(), looking for the BNF-parsing script filename starts at the current directory of the callee.
10feb2005 bug_fix - During the native translation of scripts to C++, the leader script might have an empty C++ short file name in a rare use-case.
27jan2005 function -
  • procedure incrementIndentLevel()
    Increments the indentation level, used to indenting output files automatically while writing.

    If first call, it enables the indent-mode: each time a text will have to be written at the beginning of a line, the line will be indented, depending on the indentation level.

    Call the function decrementIndentLevel() to decrease the indentation.

  • function decrementIndentLevel() : bool
    Decrements the indentation level, used to indenting output files automatically while writing.

    If the function returns false, the indentation level is worth zero and it disables the indent-mode. Otherwise, each time a text will have to be written at the beginning of a line, the line will be indented, depending on the indentation level.

    Call the function incrementIndentLevel() to increase the indentation.

21jan2005 bug_fix Markus MARB The native C++ translation of a constant tree wasn't implemented yet. A constant tree is, for instance:

{"a", {"yellow", "red"}, "submarine"}

20jan2005 function -
  • function isNumeric(number : string) : bool
    numberstringa floating-point number in text representation

    This predicate checks whether the string passed by parameter is a floating-point or not.

CodeWorker 3.8.4, 19jan2005
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 577662
Any platform (?) sources 1690184
Date Type Caller Description
19jan2005 bug_fix Lionel AUROUX The predefined BNF terminal #readCChar had the same behaviour as #readCString, instead of consuming a C-like constant character.
18jan2005 bug_fix - the assignment operator setall was causing a memory leak or a crash on attributes pointing to a reference, while freeing the memory.
11jan2005 bug_fix - The BNF directive #skipIgnore wasn't applying correctly the implicit copy: the scanned text was repeated twice.
10jan2005 bug_fix - An ellipsis exception may have occured when a dynamic library module was compiled with a too ancient version of CodeWorker ("CW4dl.h" or "CppParsingTree.h" or "CGRuntime.h" has changed).
17dec2004 bug_fix - The and-or junction BNF operator (symbol &| was returning a failure when the right-hand side member was unable to match the input.
15dec2004 bug_fix - The interpreter crashed when an argument had the same name as the BNF rule. Now, an explicit error message occurs.
08dec2004 improvement - During the parsing of a floating-point number, the dot is consumed only if it doesn't exist a second dot just behind the first one:
  • if you parse a double at the beginning of "2. is a floating point", 2. is consumed.
  • if you parse a double at the beginning of "2..n", 2 only is consumed.
03dec2004 improvement Eric NICOLAS Now, the compiler detects an attempt to declare the reserved variables this or project as local or global.
02dec2004 function -
  • procedure insertElementAt(list : treerefkey : stringposition : int)
    listtreerefan array of nodes
    keystringthe entry key of the element to insert
    positionintwhere to insert the new element, starting at 0

    Insert a new element to list, at a position given by the argument position. The argument key indicates the key of this element, which is built empty.

    If the key is an empty string, then the key is supposed to be worth the size of the list automatically.

    You can access the new element by writing either:




29nov2004 feature - Add of #ignore(Ada) for eliminating Ada comments and whitespaces in a extended-BNF script.
CodeWorker 3.8.3, 19nov2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 574602
Any platform (?) sources 1668657
Date Type Caller Description
19nov2004 bug_fix Laurent RIESTERER A temporary file, used during the code generation of a source file, was badly formed: the path was containing anti-slashes, which may have caused some troubles on non-Windows platforms.
14nov2004 bug_fix - About expressions embedded between tags @@ in a template-based script: starting with a constant string was causing an unrelevant syntax error.
04nov2004 bug_fix - the assignment operator setall wasn't copying attributes pointing to a reference correctly.
26oct2004 improvement - Now, the binding to the dynamic library libcurl is resolved while using the cURL API. So, the dynamic library doesn't need to be present if you don't use the cURL API.
29oct2004 bug_fix - An imperative parse script (parseFree()) wasn't reentrant completely: an ellipsis exceptions might have appeared in some cases.
26oct2004 bug_fix - In the native C++ translation of scripts for building a standalone executable:
  • aVariable#front ignored during the C++ translation in some cases,
  • the keyword cascading wasn't taken into account while translating foreach and forfile,
  • the return value of a BNF symbol (piece of text matched) wasn't concatenated correctly when needed (functionality rarely required).
CodeWorker 3.8.2, 07oct2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 571481
Any platform (?) sources 1659058
Date Type Caller Description
03oct2004 improvement - Now, the local and localref and global statements accept more than one variable declaration, separated by commas.


// declaration of 3 local variables in one shot
local a = "1", b, c= 2;

03oct2004 feature - Now, the path of dynamic library plugins can end with a "_d" suffix for debug version.

Examples for a plugin named MyModule:


03oct2004 feature - Add of setIntValue() and setDoubleValue() in the interpreter interface, as declared in "CW4dl.h", used for building C++ dynamic library plugins intended to extend CodeWorker.
26sep2004 bug_fix - Infinite loop in saveProject(), when the root graph project has a child referring to a node.
19sep2004 bug_fix - Sometimes, the interpreted was detecting a syntax error on the extended-BNF directive #catch, while the writing was correct.
18sep2004 bug_fix Thierry WILMOT Now, the declaration of a local variable my-local-variable must be explicit, before calling the BNF directives #insert(my-local-variable) or #pushItem(my-local-variable).
07sep2004 bug_fix - the function composeHTMLLikeString() recognizes the apostrophe correctly, and doesn't invert this character anymore.
07sep2004 improvement - An error message raises if the BNF directive #nextStep is used outside of a jump or repeat regular expression.
CodeWorker 3.8, 24aug2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 570036
Any platform (?) sources 1648999
Date Type Caller Description
22aug2004 improvement - Now, the function scanFiles() accepts a path in the short filename pattern.


scanFiles(dir, "project/examples", "src/*.cpp", true)

will filter:


15aug2004 bug_fix - The native C++ translation of CodeWorker‘s scripts has been corrected on some features:
  • the BNF directive #skipIgnore,
  • the BNF binary operator ‘|>‘,
14aug2004 improvement - A new format type was added to the function completeDate: ‘%|‘. Once the date has been iterated up to the end, if the format wasn‘t applied on it completely, an error occurs, except if ‘%|‘ stands at the current position in the format.
14aug2004 feature - The statement exit was added, for exiting CodeWorker with an error code. It expects an integer expression, for determining the value of the error code that the interpreter will have to return to the system.
14aug2004 feature - The new predefined BNF directive #readUptoIgnore was added. It reads all characters up to encountering the first insignificant one. Insignificant characters are those to ignore between BNF terminal matchings, and specified thanks to the directive #ignore.
10aug2004 improvement - Now, the native C++ translation of CodeWorker‘s scripts generates a GNU makefile of the project.
08aug2004 deprecated - The functions getInputLocation() and setInputLocation() replace the respective obsolete getLocation() and setLocation() writings.
07aug2004 bug_fix - The native C++ translation of CodeWorker‘s scripts has been corrected on some features:
  • initialization of predefined global variables (_ARGS and _REQUEST),
  • C++ writing of variable expressions in general,
  • implicit copy in a translation script,
07aug2004 bug_fix - The date conversion of a two-digits year to a four-digit one was erroneous in the function formatDate().
CodeWorker 3.7, 04aug2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 562617
Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) binaries 10162156
Any platform (?) sources 1640339
Date Type Caller Description
01aug2004 behaviour Thierry WILMOT The format of error messages has changed:

<filename>(line-number): <error-message>


"<filename>" line line-number): <error-message>

01aug2004 feature - The new predefined non-terminal BNF symbol #readCChar reads a C-like constant character. A C-like character stands between single quotes and admits the escape character \.
01aug2004 improvement - The interpreter executes a BNF parsing if the first argument on the command line has file extension being worth ".cwp".
29jul2004 behaviour - The procedure copySmartFile() has become a function, returning true when it executes the copy.
25jul2004 bug_fix - When a variable was declared twice local to the same scope (not recommended), a bug was appearing: once the second local declaration was reached, if the local variable was previously referring to another, the referenced variable was cleaned.
24jul2004 bug_fix - Some regressions were corrected on the native C++ translation of CodeWorker‘s scripts.
19jul2004 function -
  • function countInputCols() : int
    Determines the column number in the line where the parse cursor points to.
  • function countOutputCols() : int
    Determines the column number in the line where the output stream cursor points to.
CodeWorker 3.6, 09jul2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 546963
Any platform (?) sources 1616738
Date Type Caller Description
06jul2004 feature - A new BNF directive was added: #moveAhead. Located into a BNF sequence, it means that after a valid matching of the rest of the sequence, the cursor has necessary moved.


#moveAhead [A]? [B]?

If A doesn‘t match, then B must match so that the scan has read at least one character.

06jul2004 function Stephane PELTIER
  • function getShortFilename(pathFilename : string) : string
    pathFilenamestringa file name with its path

    Returns the short name of a file, meaning without the path. It is composed of a radical + an extension.

06jul2004 improvement - Floating-point numbers representation: a better removal of superfluous digits after the dot.
23jun2004 feature Eric NICOLAS Add of a new switch to pass on the command line: -nologo reclaims that the interpreter doesn‘t write the copyright about CodeWorker in the shell while starting.
15jun2004 improvement - A new way to pass parameters to the command line:

codeworker <script-file> <arg1> ... <argN> [<switch>]*

It is more natural than the equivalent writing:

codeworker -script <script-file> -args <arg1> ... <argN> [<switch>]*

06jun2004 bug_fix - Some regressions were corrected on the native C++ translation of CodeWorker‘s scripts.
23may2004 improvement - Now, the foreach statement can iterate a list sorted by its values instead of its keys.


      local list;
      insert list["silverware"] = "tea spoon";
      insert list["Mountain"] = "Everest";
      insert list["SilverWare"] = "Tea Spoon";
      insert list["Boat"] = "Titanic";
      insert list["acrobat"] = "Circus";
      traceLine("Sorted list in a classical order:");
      foreach i in sorted by_value list {
          traceLine("\t" + i + " -> " + key(i));

    Titanic -> Boat
    Everest -> Mountain
    Tea Spoon -> SilverWare
    Circus -> acrobat
    tea spoon -> silverware

CodeWorker 3.5, 07may2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 534804
Any platform (?) sources 2487789
Under Windows platforms, the binaries are compiled with VC++ 7.1 for now. If you don‘t have the DLLs msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll on your computer, please download them from the header of the download page.
Date Type Caller Description
06may2004 improvement - Now, the function getLastDelay() works even during the measurement of the time consuming (controlling sequence under a delay statement modifier): it returns the time elapsed since the beginning of the time-keeping.
28apr2004 improvement - A better precision for floating point numbers (up to 24 digits, instead of 6 before).
25apr2004 feature - A new preprocessor instruction called #line. It forces the compiler to change the current value of the script line counter.
25apr2004 bug_fix - Calling the function translateString() with the first parameter being the translation script directly (and not the file name of the translation script) was raising the error: "cannot ask for the value of a piece of script".
24apr2004 feature - A tree node can point to an external data, holding the value of the node. This external data might be any kind of data structure, inheriting from the class ExternalValueNode declared in the header file "ExternalValueNode.h". The scripting language has accepted external functions. Now, it also accepts external data.

An example is encapsulating a Trolltech-Qt widget for building GUI, implemented in a plugin or in an application linking with the CodeWorker‘s library, and handled from a CodeWorker‘s script.

24apr2004 improvement - Have reduced the memory space allocation of a tree node.
16apr2004 bug_fix - The function ‘putEnv()‘ now works on pure Unix platforms.
15apr2004 function -
  • function computeMD5(text : string) : string
    textstringthe string to encrypt in MD5

    Computes the MD5 of a string.

    This optimized MD5 implementation conforms to RFC 1321.
    Copyright 2001-2004 Christophe Devine

30mar2004 bug_fix - CodeWorker now compiles under Sun Solaris with CC. Please follow the instructions in the makefile to configure it manually.
28mar2004 behaviour - In function ‘setOutputLocation(location)‘, if location is worth -1, the cursor moves to the end of the output stream.
28mar2004 function -
  • function getWriteMode() : string
    Returns how text is written during a generation or during an implicit copy while translating: "insert" or "overwrite" mode (default mode).
  • procedure setWriteMode(mode : string)
    modestringis worth \samp{"insert"} or \samp{"overwrite"}

    Selects how to write text during a generation and how to apply an implicit copy during a translation.

    By default, a text is written in overwrite mode (mode = "overwrite"): if the file cursor doesn‘t point to the end of the current output file, the new text overwrites the old one and the remaining, if any, is inserted at the end.
    The insert mode (mode = "insert") causes a shift of the old text, so as to preserve it.

27mar2004 function -
  • function addGenerationTagsHandler(key : stringreader : scriptwriter : script) : bool
    keystringdesignates the handler
    readerscriptextended-BNF script of the reader
    writerscripttemplate-based script of the writer

    Adds a new generation tags handler, designated by key.

    Returns true if key isn‘t reserved yet for another generation tags handler.

  • function removeGenerationTagsHandler(key : string) : bool
    keystringdesignates the handler to remove

    Removes the current generation tags handler amongst those previously registered thanks to the function addGenerationTagsHandler(). If the current generation tags handler is worth this one, no custom handler is selected.

    Returns true if key designates a registered handler.

  • function selectGenerationTagsHandler(key : string) : bool
    keystringdesignates the handler to take

    Selects the current generation tags handler amongst those previously registered thanks to the function addGenerationTagsHandler(). If the parameter key is worth false (empty string), the default generation tags handler is used.

    Returns true if key designates a registered handler.

CodeWorker 3.4, 22mar2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 629811
Any platform (?) sources 1463857
Date Type Caller Description
14mar2004 bug_fix - Under Linux/Unix, the keyboard wasn‘t initialized properly: running the interpreter in the interaction mode was freezing the console.
07mar2004 improvement - While sending an HTTP request (send/get/postHTTPRequest(...) functions), the header is extracted and made available in the session, and cookies are propagated.
29feb2004 feature David JOBET A new command line swith has appeared: ‘-args‘ allows to pass arguments to the leader script without having to put them in properties. The arguments are stored in the global array ‘_ARGS‘.
28feb2004 function David JOBET
  • procedure sortArray(array : tree)
    arraytreethe array node to sort

    Sort an array in the lexicographical order of the entry keys.

08feb2004 function Patrick BRANNAN
  • procedure listAllGeneratedFiles(files : treeref)
    filestreerefpopulated with the names of all files generated since the interpreter has launched

    Populates the parameter files with the list of all output files generated since the interpreter has launched.

    The array files indexes each node with the name of the generated output file, and each node owns a branch called scripts.
    This branch gives the list of all template-based scripts that have contributed to the generation of the output file (often one script only, but could be more).
    The key index and the value of the nodes in the array scripts are worth the script file names.

    The procedure raises an error if the tree parameter files doesn‘t exist.

07feb2004 bug_fix - CodeWorker should compile on 64 bits processors properly now.
A side effect on memory allocation under Windows was corrected.
Correction of minor bugs.
12jan2004 function Eric NICOLAS
  • function createDirectory(path : string) : bool
    pathstringthe path of directories to create

    This function creates a new directory and returns whether the operation has succeeded or not.

    It fails if the complete path already exists, or if it is invalid.

CodeWorker 3.3, 05jan2004
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 628680
Any platform (?) sources 1982777
It exists three families of scripts here. To facilitate their syntax highlighting in editors, or to indicate briefly the type of the script, we suggest to employ some file extensions, depending on the nature of the script. The next table exposes the different extensions used commonly in CodeWorker.

".cwt" a template-based script, for text generation
".cwp" a extended-BNF parse script, for parsing text
".cws" a common script, none of the precedent

The structure of the grammar is so rich that it is a challenge to find a text editor, which offers a syntax highlighting engine powerful enough. JEdit proposes the writing of production rules to describe it, so it is possible to express the syntax highlighting of the scripting language.

You‘ll find a package dedicated to JEdit on the Web site, for the inclusion of these new highlighting modes. Many thanks to Patrick Brannan for this contribution.

Date Type Caller Description
07dec2003 feature - Add of a new BNF directive: #ratchet. When encountered in a production rule, the BNF engine memorizes what is the current position in the input stream, and then controls that the scan will never come back before this position.
07dec2003 feature - Two new hooks were added, intended to trace and debug calls of BNF non-terminals: stepintoHook() and stepoutHook().
06dec2003 function -
  • function translateString(patternFileName : scriptthis : treeinputString : string) : string
    patternFileNamescriptfile name of the \textit{pattern script}, which merges both the BNF syntax and the source code generation tags
    thistreethe current node that will be accessed via \textit{this} variable
    inputStringstringthe input string to parse

    Parses the input string given by the argument inputString and returns the output string resulting of the translation, following the instructions of the pattern script called patternFileName.

    The pattern script merges the BNF syntax presented section BNF syntax with the source code generation syntax described section source code generation.

06dec2003 feature - Add of the new BNF statement #transformRules, which provides a convenient way to reuse a BNF script.

It defines a rule that describes how to transform the header (left member) and the production rule (right member) of a non-terminal declaration.


INTEGER ::= #ignore [‘0‘..‘9‘]*;

INTEGER is the header and #ignore [‘0‘..‘9‘]* is the production rule.

During the compilation of a BNF parse script, before processing the declaration of a non-terminal, the compiler checks whether a transforming rule validates the name of the non-terminal. If so, both the header of the declaration and the production rule are translated, following the directives of the rule.

The #transformRules statement must be put in the BNF script, before the production rules to transform.

04dec2003 behaviour - In the function composeHTMLLikeString(), the minus symbol isn‘t changed to the entity #150; anymore.
03dec2003 feature - A new BNF binary operator &| was added. A &| B is equivalent to A B | A | B (the order of resolution is important).

It means that A and/or B match(es), which justifies the syntax of the operator.

03dec2003 function -
  • function countOutputLines() : int
    Determines the line number of where the cursor points in the output stream.
30nov2003 bug_fix - In a dynamic-library module, calling a CodeWorker function with a node parameter crashes the application.
30nov2003 feature - The method ‘CW4dl::Interpreter::createTree() was added in the C++ header "CW4dl.h". Now, local trees can be build in dynamic-library modules.
29nov2003 feature - Syntax extension for the BNF directive #skipIgnore:
you can choose an ignore mode different of the current one, set by #ignore.
27nov2003 bug_fix Maxime BOURGET Under Windows, while scanning directory with filter files like "*.bar", the system accepts also files terminating by a tilde. Now, a validation ensures that each accepted file matches the filter correctly.
26nov2003 feature - A new BNF directive #parsedString(expression) was added. It changes temporarily the input stream of a parse script by the text resulting of the evaluation of expression.
26nov2003 feature - The new BNF directive #nextStep is put into BNF sequences inlayed in a BNF jump operator (->) or in a BNF complementary operator (^ or ~). Normally, these operators move the cursor of the input stream one position further, in case of failure while applying the BNF sequence.

Using #nextStep allows changing the shift of the cursor to more than one character. It is very useful when you encounter quoted strings or identifiers. For instance, if you are looking for constant strings and then number or identifiers, the following code is incorrect:

->[#readCString #readInteger | #readIdentifier]

Why is it incorrect? If the constant string matches but not the integer, the next iteration will put the cursor just after the quote and will perhaps point to an identifier, embedded into the constant string. Then, the operator will match during the second iteration.

In fact, if the constant string matches but not the rest of the BNF sequence, we want to force the next jump just after the constant string:

->[#readCString #nextStep #readInteger | #readIdentifier]

CodeWorker 3.2, 24nov2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2333935
Any platform (?) sources 1423937
Date Type Caller Description
22nov2003 feature - The BNF directive #trace traces the resolution steps of an extended–BNF script.

Hit a key to interrupt the display of trace information and to pause the controlling sequence.

22nov2003 function -
  • function inputKey(echo : bool) : string
    echoboolasks for echoing the standard input on the console

    Returns a character extracted from the standard input, the keyboard generally. If no key was pressed, it returns an empty string.

    See statement modifiers file_as_standard_input (file as standard input) and string_as_standard_input (string as standard input) to change the source of the standard input.

    If the source of the standard input is the keyboard, the argument echo has no effects. Otherwise, the input text is displayed into the console only if echo is worth true.

20nov2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL CodeWorker crashed when an expression was passed to a node parameter of any non–terminal BNF symbol, instead of passing a tree node. Now, it raises an error.
20nov2003 feature Maxime BOURGET A BNF symbol resolved with success, has accepted the assignment of its scanned portion of sentence to a variable for a long time: B:v means that the text covered by B is assigned to v.

Now, you can specify to concatenate the covered text to the ancient value of the variable: B:+v.

If v is worth "nebula:" and if the sentence starts with "Orion.", then v becomes "nebula:Orion" after the resolution of #readIdentifier:+v.

20nov2003 improvement - The template functions accept a template–based script to define their body. The specialization of a function for a given template instantiation key is resolved at runtime.


function f(x : node) {/*is a synonym of f<"">(x : node)*/}

function f<T>(x : node) {{
      // ‘{{‘ announces a template–based script, which
      // will generate the correct implementation during the instantiation
      insert x.@T@ = "@T@";
      // ‘}}‘ announces the end of the template–based script



Tracing variable ‘project‘:
      field = "field"
      fiel = "fiel"
      fie = "fie"
      fi = "fi"
      f = "f"
End of variable‘s trace ‘project‘.

19nov2003 improvement - The engine has improved the compilation‘s speed of scripts.
17nov2003 feature Maxime BOURGET A new BNF binary operator ‘|>‘ was added.

The sequence A |> B is understood as considering the sub sentence scanned by A, which delimits the portion of text left visible to B. B starts scanning at the beginning of the sub sentence covered by A and cannot go beyond.

When the operator has achieved with success, the cursor points to the end of the sub sentence covered by A.

You‘ll find below the different steps processed by the operator:

  • the BNF literal A is executed,
  • if success, the cursor comes back to the beginning of the sub sentence covered by A
  • then, B is executed, knowing that the operator forces the end of the sub sentence where A had finished,
  • if success, the cursor points to the end of A, even if B hadn‘t scan up to the end of the sentence.


We want to recognize all colons present on a line. The sub sentence we would like to scan is a line: –>‘\n‘. Recognizing colons is like: [–>‘:‘]*, which asks for jumping from a colon to another, without considering the end of line.
–>‘\n‘ |> [–>‘:‘]* restricts the colon recognition to the line.

17nov2003 improvement Maxime BOURGET The BNF operator ‘–>‘ admits a syntax extension, for the adjustment of its internal mechanism.

–>A jumps just after the the first matching of A in the sentence. It processes the equivalent piece of extended–BNF script:

=> local iLocation;
~[A => iLocation = getInputLocation();]*
=> setInputLocation(iLocation);

To intervene on the boundaries of the repeated sequence [A ...]*, an extension was added to the syntax: –>boundaries A, where boundaries gives the multiplicity of the bracketed sequence (‘?‘, ‘+‘, ‘2..*‘, #repeat(iBegin, iEnd) ...).
Note: the boundaries must be declared just after the arrow.

The text covered by –>A includes the unmatched characters plus the sub sentence scanned by A, so –>A:v assigns the complete covered text to the variable v. This is sometimes a drawback: perhaps do you want to take the unmatched character or the sub sentence scanned by A.
So now, you can specify the variables intended to receive these intermediate values:
–>(:varBefore –:varAfter)A:varTotal
Note: the intermediate variables are declared just before the BNF symbol A, after the boundaries if any.

We will apply [–>(:varBefore –:varAfter) #readNumeric]:varTotal on the sentence "Garfield.laziness 99.99 percent":

  • varBefore = "Garfield.laziness "
  • varAfter = "99.99"
  • varTotal = "Garfield.laziness 99.99"

The last extension brought to the jump operator –>A is to allow the execution of a BNF sequence at the beginning of the sub sequence matched by A. This BNF sequence is declared into the parenthesis used for the intermediate variables, behind these variables, if any:
–>(:varBefore –:varAfter B)A
The advantage of infiltrating the BNF sequence B is that the intermediate variables are populated, and that the cursor doesn‘t point after the matching of A yet, but at the beginning of the sub sentence matched by A.

15nov2003 function Maxime BOURGET
  • function getVariableAttributes(variable : treereflist : tree) : int
    variabletreerefthe variable to explore
    listtreewill contain the name and type (reference to another node or not) of each attribute

    Populates a list with all attribute names of a tree node. The name of branches just below the node variable are put into list.

    The attribute‘s name is a key in the list and there is no value assigned to the item, except for attributes that point to another node (a reference). In that case, the item is worth the complete name of the referenced node.

    The function returns the number of attributes found, or a negative value (–1) if the tree node variable doesn‘t exist.

    Note: use #evaluateVariable() to navigate along a tree node, where the complete name is determined at runtime.

CodeWorker 3.1, 12nov2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2303028
Any platform (?) sources 1370834
Date Type Caller Description
11nov2003 feature Maxime BOURGET More than one customized ignore–clause is accepted now. Before, the customized ignore clause was written: #ignore ::= /*production rule*/;.

Now, customized ignore clauses are declared with a key between brackets :
#ignore["designate this ignore clause"] ::= /*production rule*/;.

Into production rules, you specify the change with #ignore(textit{"designate this ignore clause")}.

11nov2003 feature Maxime BOURGET A new BNF directive is added: #break. It leaves successfully the closer repeat token into which the directive was put.


["–––" #break | attribute]+

Here, the engine reads at least one attribute, and leaves with success when it encounters the string "–––".

09nov2003 bug_fix - Now, the procedure executeString() sees the scope of functions declared in the script that calls the procedure.
09nov2003 improvement - The procedure expand() allows the pattern script passed as a block of instructions, instead of a script file name (behaviour already existing for generate()).
08nov2003 improvement - A function name cannot be a reserved keyword anymore (should have been done a long time ago).
04nov2003 function Maxime BOURGET
  • function joinStrings(list : treeseparator : string) : string
    listtreethe list that contains the strings to join
    separatorstringthe sequence of chars that separates the strings

    This function returns the concatenation of all strings put into list, putting a separator between each of them.

    If the list is empty, the function will return an empty string.

31oct2003 improvement - The foreach statement allows the reverse iteration of unsorted items too.
30oct2003 function -
  • function equalsIgnoreCase(left : stringright : string) : bool
    leftstringfirst string to compare
    rightstringsecond string to compare

    Compares two strings, ignoring the case. It returns true when the comparison succeeds.

20oct2003 improvement - The building of plug–in packages (dynamic libraries written in C++) accepts some new features:
  • more functions to handle parse trees,
  • call of CodeWorker‘s functions from the plug–in
CodeWorker 3.0, 10oct2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2277244
Any platform (?) sources 1363933
Date Type Caller Description
05oct2003 feature - A new fundamental feature: extension of the language via packages implemented in executable modules (dynamic libraries), like in Tcl or other scripting languages.

You can integrate your own functions or interface layers to work with databases or any other gluing requirements.

01oct2003 function -
  • procedure appendFile(filename : stringcontent : string)
    filenamestringname of the file to append
    contentstringsequence of characters to write at the end of the file

    Writes the text content at the end of the file filename.

    If the file doesn‘t exist, the function creates it.

  • function composeSQLLikeString(text : string) : string
    textstringa sequence of character to convert to a SQL-like string

    Returns the conversion of the sequence of characters given by argument text to a SQL–like string, without single quote delimiters. It means that special characters of text are replaced by their escape sequence, the rest remaining the same.

    It recognizes the following escape sequences:

    • ‘\\‘ as backslash (\), ASCII value 92,
    • ‘\‘ ‘ as single quotation mark (‘), ASCII value 39,
    • ‘\"‘ as double quotation mark ("), ASCII value 34,
    • ‘\a‘ as alert (BEL), ASCII value 7,
    • ‘\b‘ as backspace (BS), ASCII value 8,
    • ‘\f‘ as formfeed (FF), ASCII value 12,
    • ‘\n‘ as newline (LF), ASCII value 10,
    • ‘\r‘ as carriage return (CR), ASCII value 13,
    • ‘\t‘ as horizontal tab (HT), ASCII value 9,
    • ‘\v‘ as vertical tab (VT), ASCII value 11,
    The function translates the single quote to an escape sequence "\‘", instead of repeating twice the single quote as in the SQL–standard. It presents the advantage of being more readable, but if you encounters a drawback in using this translation, apply replaceString() to change "\‘" in "‘‘".
30sep2003 improvement - Improvement that concerns formatDate()/completeDate(): ‘%Q‘ is a new date/time format specifier that represents a SQL timestamp (equivalent to ‘%Y–%m–%d %H:%M:%S.%L‘).
CodeWorker 2.19.2, 30sep2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2226078
Any platform (?) sources 1340624
Date Type Caller Description
28sep2003 function -
  • function getOutputFilename() : string
    Returns the path of the output file being generated.
25sep2003 bug_fix - Very important: some troubles may have appeared on the use of first() and last() iterator functions in a recursive call to a foreach loop.
CodeWorker 2.19.1, 19sep2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2224846
Any platform (?) sources 1334448
Date Type Caller Description
18sep2003 function -
  • function ceil(number : double) : int
    numberdoublethe floating-point number to ceil

    Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to number. If number isn‘t a number, the function returns 0.

  • function exp(x : double) : double
    xdoublethe floating-point whose exponential is to compute

    Returns the exponential of x.

    On underflow, it returns 0.
    On overflow, it returns infinite.

  • function log(x : double) : double
    xdoublethe floating-point whose logarithm is to compute

    Returns the logarithm of x.

    If x is negative, it throws an error.
    If x is 0, it returns infinite.

18sep2003 bug_fix - Functions put into an arithmetic expression (between ‘$‘ symbols) didn‘t accept to pass string expressions to parameters.
14sep2003 bug_fix - An embedded script now ignores insignificant characters following the trailing bracket:
generate({...the embedded script...} /* insignificant characters */, project, "bubblegum.txt");
13sep2003 bug_fix - Now, the engine doesn‘t allow the user to choose a non–terminal amongst reserved keywords function, declare or external.
CodeWorker 2.19, 12sep2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2218753
Any platform (?) sources 1304090
Date Type Caller Description
10sep2003 feature - Now, procedures running a script (for parsing / generating / translating / interpreting) accept the script to be embedded between { and }, instead of to give the path of the script necessary.

It avoids the writing of a specific script file each time the developer requires a task of parsing or code generation.


//generation of an HTML file, which shows the title and the content
//of some financial market news previously extracted

foreach i in {
       @@composeHTMLLikeString(i.body) + endl()@@
@   </body>
@}, project, "news.html");

  • It avoids the writing of 2 files, as it was unavoidable before:

    generate("news2HTML.gen", project, "news.html");

  • such as "news2HTML.gen", which contains:

    foreach i in {
           @@composeHTMLLikeString(i.body) + endl()@@
    @   </body>

10sep2003 feature - Add of a new boolean operator that checks whether the result of an expression belongs to a set or not:
sHTMLTag in { ‘i‘, "kbd" }
returns true if sHTMLTag is worth ‘i‘ or "kbd" and false in all other cases.
09sep2003 bug_fix Gilles GHATTAS Now, the engine checks whether a function is allowed for a type of script.

Example: getInputFilename() isn‘t allowed in a common script, because it should be present in parse scripts only (it gives the name of the file being currently parsed). Now, if you try to use this function in a common script, a syntax error occurs.

08sep2003 function -
  • function resolveFilePath(filename : string) : string
    filenamestringthe path of the file to resolve

    Searches the file filename in the current directory and, if fails, it continues searching it in the include directories (‘–I‘ switch on the command line).

    It returns the location of the file in directories, removing any ambiguity.
    If the file doesn‘t exist, the function returns an empty string.
    If filename points to a virtual file, the function returns filename.

CodeWorker 2.18, 08sep2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2194114
Any platform (?) sources 1318051
Date Type Caller Description
04sep2003 improvement - Add of the unary negation operator in arithmetic expressions.
04sep2003 improvement Eric NICOLAS An arithmetic expression between ‘$‘ or an expression between parenthesis wasn‘t admitted by the parser as an expression to flush in the output file of a template–based script (expression embedded between ‘@‘).
03sep2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL Removal of superfluous ‘0‘ that may have appeared in some cases on floating–point numbers.
02sep2003 bug_fix Eric NICOLAS The indentation of C++ files was incorrect when the algorithm was confronted to "::" in functions indentFile() or indentText().
01sep2003 function -
  • function countInputLines() : int
    Determines the current line number where the parse cursor points to.
  • function getInputFilename() : string
    Returns the path of the input file being parsed.
31aug2003 feature - Add of a new BNF directive called #skipIgnore, which forces the skipping of insignificant characters (set by the #ignore(...) directive) at the current position of the parse cursor.

The directive is always true, even if the parsing has already reached the end of file or if there are no insignificant characters.

CodeWorker 2.17.4, 08sep2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2181698
Any platform (?) sources 1307333
Date Type Caller Description
20aug2003 function -
  • function skipEmptyCppExceptDoxygen() : bool
    Ignores all blank characters and all C++/JAVA–like comments, except when the comment conforms to the Doxygen format. The current file position moves to the first character that must be kept.
Changes on private version 2.17.3
Date Type Caller Description
19aug2003 bug_fix - While parsing C++ comments, Ada–like comments were detected too.
CodeWorker 2.17.2, 13aug2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2181994
Any platform (?) sources 1271448
Date Type Caller Description
13aug2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL A bug has appeared in the last version 2.17.1: sometimes, assignment instructions not prefixed by a set statement may raise a syntax error (‘;‘ expected).
04aug2003 improvement - Before, template functions had a specific body for each function instantiation:
function f<"a">() { /*body of f<"a">()*/ }
function f<"b">() { /*body of f<"b">()*/ }
but no generic template body, such as generic programming with C++ templates. Now, it exists:
function f<T>() {
/*generic template body when no specific
function instantiation is found*/

Classical example:

function f<1>() { return 1; }
function f<N>() { return $N*f<$N – 1$>()$; }
traceLine("10! = " + f<10>());

CodeWorker 2.17.1, 01aug2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2177557
Any platform (?) sources 1268530
Date Type Caller Description
31jul2003 bug_fix - The method–like syntax for calling a procedure wasn‘t parsed correctly:
now, myHTMLContext.clearVariable() is well–recognized and is worth clearVariable(myHTMLContext).
17jul2003 bug_fix - Parsing error when an arithmetic shift operator was following an identifier:
writing $iValue << 1$ was raising the unrelevant error literal expected.
CodeWorker 2.17, 11jul2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2178583
Any platform (?) sources 1195033
Date Type Caller Description
08jul2003 feature - Now, a BNF sequence may be repeated a variable number of times:

[BNF–sequence]#repeat(begin–expression[, end–expression])

where #repeat specifies how many times the sequence must be repeated, after resolving the boundary values given by the arithmetic expressions.
07jul2003 function -
  • function hostToNetworkLong(bytes : string) : string
    bytesstringa 4-bytes representation of a long integer sorted in the host bytes order

    Converts a 4–bytes representation of a long integer to the network bytes order. CodeWorker stores a byte as a 2–hexadecimal digits; the function raises an error if the argument bytes is malformed.

    Use longToBytes() and bytesToLong() to swap between decimal and host binary representation of a long integer.

  • function networkLongToHost(bytes : string) : string
    bytesstringa 4-bytes representation of a long integer sorted in the network bytes order

    Converts a 4–bytes representation of a long integer to the host bytes order. CodeWorker stores a byte as a 2–hexadecimal digits; the function raises an error if the argument bytes is malformed.

    Use longToBytes() and bytesToLong() to swap between decimal and host binary representation of a long integer.

  • function hostToNetworkShort(bytes : string) : string
    bytesstringa 2-bytes representation of a short integer sorted in the host bytes order

    Converts a 2–bytes representation of a short integer to the network bytes order. CodeWorker stores a byte as a 2–hexadecimal digits; the function raises an error if the argument bytes is malformed.

    Use shortToBytes() and bytesToShort() to swap between decimal and host binary representation of a short integer.

  • function networkShortToHost(bytes : string) : string
    bytesstringa 2-bytes representation of a short integer sorted in the network bytes order

    Converts a 2–bytes representation of a short integer to the host bytes order. CodeWorker stores a byte as a 2–hexadecimal digits; the function raises an error if the argument bytes is malformed.

    Use shortToBytes() and bytesToShort() to swap between decimal and host binary representation of a short integer.

07jul2003 function -
  • function longToBytes(long : ulong) : string
    longulongan unsigned long integer using the decimal base

    Converts an unsigned long integer in decimal base to its 4–bytes representation. Bytes are ordered in the host order (memory storage).

  • function shortToBytes(short : ushort) : string
    shortushortan unsigned short integer using the decimal base

    Converts an unsigned short integer in decimal base to its 2–bytes representation. Bytes are ordered in the host order (memory storage).

  • function bytesToShort(bytes : string) : ushort
    bytesstringa 2-bytes representation of an unsigned short integer (host bytes order)

    Converts a 2–bytes representation of an unsigned short integer to its decimal representation. Bytes are ordered in the host order (memory storage).

    If the argument bytes is malformed, the function raises an error.

  • function bytesToLong(bytes : string) : ulong
    bytesstringa 4-bytes representation of an unsigned long integer (host bytes order)

    Converts a 4–bytes representation of an unsigned long integer to its decimal representation. Bytes are ordered in the host order (memory storage).

    If the argument bytes is malformed, the function raises an error.

06jul2003 feature - Two new BNF directives have appeared:
  • #readBytes(length–expr): to read a sequence of bytes, where the arithmetic expression length–expr determines how many bytes to read,
  • #readChars(length–expr): to read a sequence of characters, where the arithmetic expression length–expr determines the length of the text,
05jul2003 function -
  • function createINETClientSocket(remoteAddress : stringport : int) : int
    remoteAddressstringa remote IP address (Internet namespace)
    portinta remote port number

    This function creates a client socket and connects it to the specified remote port, at the specified address IP remoteAddress, and returns a new socket descriptor. The socket is of type stream.

    Once the creation has achieved, use directly the send/receive functions or attachInputToSocket()/attachOutputToSocket for reading/writing to the socket via a BNF–parsing/template–based script.

  • function createINETServerSocket(port : intbackLog : int) : int
    portinta local port number
    backLogintmaximum queue length for incoming connection (1-5)

    This function creates a server socket bound to port and returns a new socket descriptor. The socket is of type stream.

    The argument backLog specifies the size of the queue connection. A new connection is refused when the queue is full.

    Once the creation has achieved, use the function acceptSocket() to wait for a new client connection (blocking call).

  • function acceptSocket(serverSocket : int) : int
    serverSocketinta server socket previously created via \samp{createINETServerSocket()}

    This function blocks until a client connection arrives, and returns the corresponding socket descriptor.

    Once a connection has been established, use directly the send/receive functions or attachInputToSocket()/attachOutputToSocket for reading/writing to the socket via a BNF–parsing/template–based script.

  • procedure attachInputToSocket(socket : int)
    socketinta client socket descriptor

    Joins the input stream of a parsing script to a socket stream: each time that the input stream pointer reaches the end, the interpreter waits for bytes coming from the socket.

    Waiting for bytes is a blocking process, so once you don‘t expect for other bytes anymore, don‘t forget to detach the socket via the procedure detachInputFromSocket() before reaching the end of the stream.

  • procedure detachInputFromSocket(socket : int)
    socketinta client socket descriptor

    Disconnects the input stream of a parsing script from a socket stream. You should have join the socket to the input stream before, via the procedure attachInputToSocket().

  • procedure attachOutputToSocket(socket : int)
    socketinta client socket descriptor

    Joins the output stream of a template–based or translation script so that to send the generated text to the socket.

    The generated text is sent at the end of the complete script execution.

  • procedure detachOutputFromSocket(socket : int)
    socketinta client socket descriptor

    Disconnects the output stream of a parsing script from a socket stream. You should have join the socket to the output stream before, via the procedure attachOutputToSocket().

    To call only if you have changed your mind and don‘t want the generated text to be sent to the socket at the end of the template–based script execution anymore.

  • function flushOutputToSocket(socket : int) : bool
    socketinta client socket descriptor

    Sends to a socket the complete text or binary data already generated by the template–based or translation script. The function then purges the output stream.

    This function has no link with attachOutputToSocket(). It only requires that the socket descriptor exists and is opened correctly.

  • function receiveBinaryFromSocket(socket : intlength : int) : string
    socketinta client socket descriptor
    lengthintnumber of bytes to read

    This function waits for length bytes to read from socket, and returns a sequence of bytes (CodeWorker represents a byte with 2 hexadecimal digits).

    If an error occurs, the function returns an empty string.

  • function receiveFromSocket(socket : intisText : boolref) : string
    socketinta client socket descriptor
    isTextboolrefthe function will populate this parameter with \samp{true} if read bytes designate a string and \samp{false} if they are binary data

    This function waits for bytes to read from socket and returns them. If an error occurs, the function returns an empty string.

    The function sets isText to:

    • true if it has received a text,
    • false if it has received binary data: the returned string is then a sequence of bytes (CodeWorker represents a byte with 2 hexadecimal digits),
  • function receiveTextFromSocket(socket : intlength : int) : string
    socketinta client socket descriptor
    lengthintsize of the text to read

    This function waits for length bytes to read from socket, and returns a string.

    If an error occurs, the function returns an empty string.

  • function sendTextToSocket(socket : inttext : string) : bool
    socketinta client socket descriptor
    textstringthe text to write

    This function writes a text to a socket and returns true if it has achieved successfully.

  • function sendBinaryToSocket(socket : intbytes : string) : bool
    socketinta client socket descriptor
    bytesstringa sequence of bytes to write

    This function writes binary data to a socket and returns true if it has achieved successfully.

    The function raises an error if a byte passed to bytes is malformed: CodeWorker expects 2 hexadecimal digits to represent a byte.

  • procedure closeSocket(socket : int)
    socketinta \textit{client}/\textit{server} socket descriptor

    This procedure closes the socket descriptor specified to the argument socket.

01jul2003 behaviour - Now, the function getFloatingLocation() raises an error if the floating location doesn‘t exist.
29jun2003 function -
  • procedure insertTextToFloatingLocation(location : stringtext : string)
    locationstringthe name of a floating location
    textstringsequence of characters to insert

    Inserts a sequence of characters passed to argument text, at the position of the floating location, whose name is given by the argument location.

    If the floating location doesn‘t exist, the function raises an error.

    In expansion mode, the floating location might point into a markup area previously generated. So, on the contrary of insertText(), the function permits to insert text out of the current markup area.

  • procedure insertTextOnceToFloatingLocation(location : stringtext : string)
    locationstringthe name of a floating location
    textstringsequence of characters to insert

    Inserts a sequence of characters passed to argument text, at the position of the floating location, whose name is given by the argument location, but only if the text has never been encountered previously by a insertTextOnce() or a writeTextOnce()procedure.

    If the floating location doesn‘t exist, the function raises an error.

    In expansion mode, the floating location might point into a markup area previously generated. So, on the contrary of insertTextOnce(), the function permits to insert text out of the current markup area.

  • function existFloatingLocation(key : stringparent : bool) : bool
    keystringname of a floating position into the output stream
    parentboolwhile expanding a file, search into precedent markup area if this floating location exists or not

    Returns true if the floating location, whose name is passed to argument key, already exists.

    If required (parameter parent set to true) and if the current output file is being expanded, the function searches the floating location in precedent visited markup areas.

29jun2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL The function completeDate() didn‘t work correctly on the Excel–like date format %t (fractionable number of days since december 30th, 1899).
28jun2003 bug_fix - Now, the functions send/get/postHTTPRequest() extract binary data correctly.
CodeWorker 2.16, 23jun2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2106940
Any platform (?) sources 1497884
If you wish to recompile sources, please note that from now on, CodeWorker doesn‘t need SWORD and ACE libraries anymore. Nevertheless, it requires libcurl as a dynamic library from now.

The tool uses libcurl for sending HTTP requests only. If you don‘t need this functionality, you might recompile sources after having disabled the preprocessor definition CODEWORKER_CURL_LIB.

Date Type Caller Description
13jun2003 feature Gwenael CHAZAL Now, foreach statement may iterate in reverse order:

foreach i in reverse sorted list ...

CodeWorker 2.15, 11jun2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2075146
Any platform (?) sources 1263521
Date Type Caller Description
10jun2003 function -
  • procedure autoexpand(outputFileName : stringthis : treeref)
    outputFileNamestringthe existing file to expand
    thistreerefthe current node that will be accessed with \textit{this} variable

    Expands an existing file whose name is passed to the argument outputFileName, executing template–based scripts located at each markup. The file contains its own scripts for expanding code.

    Expanding a file consists of generating code into marked out areas only, the rest of the file remaining the same. The markup is put into a comment, knowing that the syntax of the comment must conform to the type of the expanded file outputFileName. So, an HTML file expects <!– – and – –>, a JAVA file is waiting for // and "\n", ... The markup is announced by ##markup## followed by a string that represents the markup key. Don‘t forget to configure correctly the syntax of comment boundaries with procedures setCommentBegin() (see setCommentBegin()) and setCommentEnd() (see setCommentEnd()).

    When the procedure is called, CodeWorker jumps from a markup to another. To handle a markup, it checks whether text was already generated, put between tags ##begin##"markup–key" and ##end##"markup–key", added automatically the first time an expansion is required, to demarquate the portion of code that doesn‘t belong to the user. Then, it extracts all protected areas, if any, and it generates code at the position of the markup, adding begin/end tags seen before.

    The interpreter reclaims the tags ##script## just after the markup. It extracts the embedded text, considered as a template–based script, eventually put between comments, and the interpreter executes this embedded script.

    Note that some data might be put between tags ##data##, accessible in the template–based script via the function getMarkupValue() (see getMarkupValue()). This block of custom data comes after the ##script## tag, if present.

    Be careful not to confuse this prodedure with generate() that doesn‘t care about markups and that overwrites the output file completely, except protected areas of course.

09jun2003 feature - Add of a BNF general directive called #parameters.
08jun2003 improvement - When looking for an included script (#include "included–script.gen") in the filesystem, if the included script is known as a relative path, the preprocessor starts searching from the directory of the caller script.
Before, the preprocessor was starting from the current directory.
06jun2003 bug_fix - In expansion mode only, the interpreter was forgotting to keep for checking the protected areas that weren‘t interesting anymore the template–based script.
05jun2003 feature - Add of the extended–BNF directive ‘#super‘ to call an overloaded non–terminal.
CodeWorker 2.14, 04jun2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2053598
Any platform (?) sources 1139467
Date Type Caller Description
04jun2003 function -
  • procedure traceEngine()
    Traces some states about the interpreter and the current script.
04jun2003 option - Add of a new option on the command line: -insert
03jun2003 feature - A translation script might require to transform scanned characters before copying them implicitely in the output:
means that each scanned character is transformed to HTML before writing it by implicit copy.
03jun2003 feature - BNF production rules are overloadable thanks to the directive #overload:
#overload nonterminal ::= ...;
replaces the ancient nonterminal clause by a new production rule.
01jun2003 note - Function getMarkerKey() is deprecated and replaced by getMarkupKey().
01jun2003 function -
  • function getMarkupValue() : string
    This function must be called into a pattern script that runs in expansion mode. It returns the current markup value, if any, put between tags ‘##data##‘ after declaring the markup key.
01jun2003 improvement - Add of a data section, attached to expansion markups (put between ##data## tags just after the ##markup## tag).
01jun2003 note - For expansion mode, ##markup## replaces the tag ##marker##.
28may2003 function -
  • function changeFileTime(filename : stringaccessTime : stringmodificationTime : string) : int
    filenamestringname of the file to set
    accessTimestringdate-time of the last access
    modificationTimestringdate-time of the last modification

    The function changes the access and modification times of the file filename. The user ID of the process must be the owner of the file, or the process must have appropriate privileges.

    In case of failure, the function returns a negative integer:

    • –1: unknown error that shouldn‘t appear,
    • –2: permission denied,
    • –3: too many files have been opened,
    • –4: file not found,
    • –5: invalid times argument,
CodeWorker 2.13, 27may2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2662129
Any platform (?) sources 1095172
Date Type Caller Description
27may2003 bug_fix - When called via a C++ binding, bad context variable passed to CGRuntime::expand(), CGRuntime::parseAsBNF() and CGRuntime::generate().
26may2003 feature - Add of template BNF clauses (non–terminal symbols) where the instantiation isn‘t resolved.

nonterminal<"Case 1"> ::= ...;
nonterminal<"Case 2"> ::= ...;

are instantiations of nonterminal resolved for "Case 1" and "Case 2".
nonterminal<T> ::= ...;
is a template BNF clause where the instantiation isn‘t resolved and that describes the generic implementation of the production rule. It will be called for "Case 3" or any constant different of "Case 1" and "Case 2".

CodeWorker 2.12, 22may2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2656478
Any platform (?) sources 1086858
Date Type Caller Description
19may2003 function Gwenael CHAZAL
  • procedure randomSeed(seed : int)
    seedinta new seed for generating pseudorandom integers

    Sets the seed for generating a series of pseudorandom integers. To change the seed to a given starting point, choose any positive value different of 1 as the seed argument. A value of 1 reinitializes the generator. Any negative value let CodeWorker choose a random seed for you.

  • function randomInteger() : int
    Generates a pseudorandom number.
19may2003 function -
  • procedure copyGenerableFile(sourceFileName : stringdestinationFileName : string)
    sourceFileNamestringthe name of the file to copy
    destinationFileNamestringthe name of the copy

    This procedure copies a generable file sourceFileName to another location destinationFileName if the files have differences in the hand–typed text. It raises an error if something wrong has happened (either the source file doesn‘t exist or permissions are insufficient for copy).

    A generable file is any source file containing protected areas or expandable markups.

15may2003 feature - Add of the ternary operator:
ternary–expr ::= boolean–expr ‘?‘ expression1 ‘:‘ expression2
where expression1 is executed if the condition is verified, and expression2 otherwise.
12may2003 function Eric NICOLAS
  • function UUID() : string
    This function generates an UUID and returns it as a string. An UUID is a 128–bit universally unique id, used by Microsoft and being proposed as an internet standard.
CodeWorker 2.11, 25apr2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2618310
Any platform (?) sources 1062258
Date Type Caller Description
24apr2003 function -
  • procedure environTable(table : tree)
    tabletreewill contain the list of all environment variable names

    The procedure returns the array of all environment variable in the argument table. The name of the environment variable is assigned to the value of the item.

24apr2003 bug_fix - The BNF operator –> had a strange behaviour when the matched input was assigned to a variable (–>BNF–expression:variable).
While translating a file in #implicitCopy mode, the content of the variable was written in the destination file, whereas the matched input of BNF–expression had already been copied.
Consequence: the matched input of BNF–expression was appearing twice in the destination file.
24apr2003 function -
  • procedure setFloatingLocation(key : stringlocation : int)
    keystringname of a floating position to put into the output stream
    locationintthe position into the output stream to assign to the key, starting at \samp{0}

    Assigns a position to the floating location whose name is passed to argument key.

22apr2003 function -
  • procedure openLogFile(filename : string)
    filenamestringname of the file where log information will be put

    Creates (or erases if already exists) a log file, which remains valid upto the end of the execution. Each trace function (traceLine(), traceText(), traceStack()) will write in the log file.
    This function is very convenient for debugging a CGI script, where the standard output is devoted to the result page.

    Note that passing an empty filename stops the log mechanism.

22apr2003 function Gwenael CHAZAL
  • function completeDate(date : stringformat : string) : string
    datestringa date-time representation to complete
    formatstringthe format that the \samp{date} argument conforms to

    Completes the date passed to the argument date, so as it conforms to the syntax of a date in CodeWorker meaning: "%d%b%Y %H:%M:%S.%L".

    Starting from today date with reset time (00:00:00.0), it replaces date–time characteristics with those of the parameter date and returns the result of the substitutions.

22apr2003 improvement Gwenael CHAZAL Add of two new formats in formatDate():
  • ‘%w‘ means that the weekday must be written as an integer (0–6; 0 is sunday),
  • ‘%W‘ means that the weekday must be written as the complete english name,
CodeWorker 2.10, 18apr2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2597932
Any platform (?) sources 1050598
From now, CodeWorker is able to run as a CGI program. It may be attached to the ".gen" file extension. See the script repository for discovering some use–cases.
Date Type Caller Description
18apr2003 feature - CodeWorker can run as a CGI program.
17apr2003 function -
  • function encodeURL(URL : string) : string
    URLstringreadable URL to encode

    Encode an URL for an HTTP request, meaning that the space character changes in ‘+‘ and all non–alphanumeric characters are encoded in hexadecimal, preceded by ‘%‘.

    Note that conversions are transparent while doing HTTP requests.

  • function decodeURL(URL : string) : string
    URLstringreadable URL to encode

    Decode an URL from an HTTP request, meaning that the ‘+‘ character changes in a space and all hexadecimal descriptions of bytes (2 digits preceded by ‘%‘) are converted to characters.

    Note that conversions are transparent while doing HTTP requests.

Changes on private version 2.09
This version runs under CygWin correctly. One should be able to make a Linux version from source files (not checked yet, next step).
Date Type Caller Description
16apr2003 bug_fix Laurent RIESTERER The function saveProject() didn‘t write node references. Now, a node reference is announced with the keyword __REFERENCE in the XML output of the project.
14apr2003 function -
  • function getNow() : string
    Returns the current date–time, conforming to the format:
    %d%b%Y %H:%M:%S.%L

    For explanations about format types, see function formatDate at {formatDate()}.

  • procedure setNow(constantDateTime : string)
    constantDateTimestringthe current date-time is fixed to this value

    Fixes the current date–time to the value passed to argument constantDateTime, conforming to the format:
    %d%b%Y %H:%M:%S.%L

    The procedure doesn‘t change the system time. now is just frozen for the scripting language when calling getNow(). One passes an empty date–time to unfreeze the time.

    For explanations about format types, see function formatDate at {formatDate()}.

07apr2003 feature - The scripting language offers to declare global variables. Up to now, the only way to declare global variables was to put them somewhere in the project main tree.

The global statement was added to provide the feature:
global–statement ::= "global" variable [‘=‘ expression–to–assign]?

04apr2003 function -
  • function existEnv(variable : string) : bool
    variablestringthe environment variable name

    The function returns true if the environment table entry contains the variable.

CodeWorker 2.08, 03apr2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2539560
Any platform (?) sources 1011071
Date Type Caller Description
01apr2003 function -
  • procedure setWorkingPath(path : string)
    pathstringthe new working path

    Changes the output directory that was assigned to the option –path on the command line.

31mar2003 function -
  • function getIncludePath() : string
    It returns the include path passed to the command line with one or more times the setting of option –I, or the latest include path set via the procedure setIncludePath().

    The include path is a concatenation of paths separated by semi–commas ( extbf{‘;‘}).

  • procedure setIncludePath(path : string)
    pathstringa concatenation of paths separated by \textbf{';'}

    It changes the include path passed to the command line with one or more times the setting of the option –I.

    The include path expects a concatenation of paths separated by semi–commas (‘;‘).

26mar2003 function -
  • procedure overwritePortion(location : inttext : stringsize : int)
    locationintpoints to a position in the output stream
    textstringsequence of characters to write
    sizeintsize of the portion to overwrite

    Writes a sequence of characters passed to argument text, at the position of the output stream given by argument location. The text overwrites up to size characters and inserts the rest if any. The position starts counting at 0.
    About the behaviour of the overwriting:

    • If there are more than size characters in text, all floating locations that point to location + size, or after, are impacted by the insertion of the remaining characters of text, and shift for an offset that is worth the size of the text minus the size of the portion to overwrite.
    • overwritePortion(pos, text, 0) is worth insertText(pos, text).
    • If the portion to overwrite is bigger than the length of text, all not overwritten characters of the portion are removed.
    • overwritePortion(pos, "", size) removes size characters from the output stream at position pos.

    If the position isn‘t valid, negative or bigger than the end of the output stream, an error is raised.

    In expansion mode, the position 0 points to the first character written for expansion and cannot exceed the last character written for expansion.

    Generally, the position is given by the function getFloatingLocation().

26mar2003 improvement - translation scripts admit calls to both parsing and code generation functions in the procedural statement blocks (e.g. announced by the symbol =>).
26mar2003 improvement - BNF–parsing scripts admit calls to parsing functions in the procedural statement blocks (e.g. announced by the symbol => in the production rules).
24mar2003 function -
  • function findNextString(text : stringfind : stringposition : int) : int
    textstringa sequence of characters to explore
    findstringa substring to find into \samp{text}
    positionintthe position in the string (starting at 0) the search must begin

    Returns the lowest beginning index of the substring find that matches the sequence of characters passed to argument text, starting the search at position. The index starts counting to 0.

    If the substring find doesn‘t belong to text (starting at position), the negative value –1 is returned.

10mar2003 feature - Add of motif expressions that enable to operate on the logical structure of a tree. It allows filtering and selecting the nodes of a tree, which match a motif. This is something like XPath, but working on a parse tree of CodeWorker instead of an XML tree.
10mar2003 feature - Add of a new statement called select, which operates a little like the foreach statement, but iterating a list of nodes that match a motif expression. It is similar to the <xsl:foreach select=motif > XSL statement.
CodeWorker 2.07, 06mar2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2487490
Any platform (?) sources 2017720
Date Type Caller Description
06mar2003 bug_fix - The function readIdentifier() didn‘t match the rule [‘a‘..‘z‘ | ‘A‘..‘Z‘ | ‘_‘][‘a‘..‘z‘ | ‘A‘..‘Z‘ | ‘_‘ | ‘0‘..‘9‘]* correctly.
06mar2003 feature - Now, the scripting language accepts char literals, written as in C/JAVA and converted to a string literal.
Changes on private version 2.06
If you wish to recompile sources, please note that from now on, CodeWorker requires both SWORD and ACE libraries as static.
Date Type Caller Description
05mar2003 feature - Add of a new BNF directive: #insert(variable) sequence–of–BNF–instructions. The directive creates a new node variable (if it doesn‘t exist yet) and executes the sequence of BNF instructions that follow. If the sequence fails and if the node was created by the directive, variable is removed.
05mar2003 bug_fix - When #pushItem had created the variable to which push a new item, it wasn‘t removed in case of failure in the sequence of tokens.
05mar2003 function -
  • procedure removeVariable(node : tree)
    nodetreethe node to remove from the tree

    All attributes of the argument node are deleted, its array of nodes is cleared and its value becomes an empty string. If the node was referring to another node, the link is cleared. Once these task are completed, the variable node is removed from the tree it belongs to (as an attribute or an element).

    Note that trying to remove a local variable throws an error.

04mar2003 function -
  • function getHTTPRequest(URL : stringHTTPSession : treearguments : tree) : string
    URLstringURL of the HTTP server
    HTTPSessiontreean object to describe the HTTP session
    argumentstreelist of the arguments to GET; the key contains the name of the argument and the element gives the value

    This function sends an HTTP‘s GET request to the HTTP server pointed to by the parameter URL with the list of arguments put into the the parameter arguments.

    The function returns the document read from the HTTP server.

    The function sendHTTPRequest() (see {sendHTTPRequest()}) describes the structure of the HTTP session object.

  • function postHTTPRequest(URL : stringHTTPSession : treearguments : tree) : string
    URLstringURL of the HTTP server
    HTTPSessiontreean object to describe the HTTP session
    argumentstreelist of the arguments to POST; the key contains the name of the argument and the element gives the value

    This function sends an HTTP‘s POST request to the HTTP server pointed to by the parameter URL with the list of arguments put into the the parameter arguments.

    The function returns the document read from the HTTP server.

    The function sendHTTPRequest() (see {sendHTTPRequest()}) describes the structure of the HTTP session object.

  • function sendHTTPRequest(URL : stringHTTPSession : tree) : string
    URLstringURL of the HTTP server
    HTTPSessiontreean object to describe the HTTP session

    This function sends an HTTP request to the HTTP server pointed to by the argument URL, and returns the document read from the HTTP server.

    If the request fails, an error message is thrown.

    The well–named argument HTTPSession specifies some information into devoted attributes:

    • agent (optional) is the browser name, "CodeWorker" by default,
    • referer (optional),
    • proxy (optional):
      • (compulsory),
      • proxy.port (compulsory),
    • cookies (optional) is a list of nodes such as:
      • name (compulsory),
      • value (optional) is worth by default,
      • path (optional),
      • domain (optional),
      • expires (optional) for a permanent cookie,
Changes on private version 2.05
Date Type Caller Description
28feb2003 feature - Add of the arithmetic bit shift operators << and >>, available in arithmetic expressions only.
28feb2003 feature - Add of the arithmetic bitwise not operator ~, available in. arithmetic expressions only.
27feb2003 bug_fix - File handles weren‘t closed after calling any function like file*(...) (fileSize(...), fileLastModification(...), ...).
CodeWorker 2.04, 26feb2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2369560
Any platform (?) sources 3095268
Date Type Caller Description
26feb2003 feature - Add of directive #evaluateVariable(expression) to resolve a branch at runtime:

pushItem #evaluateVariable("variable.list");

is equivalent to:

pushItem variable.list;

and is useful when the branch is known at runtime exclusively. Below, an new item is added to an attribute of a variable v, and the name of the attribute is held by the variable a:

function f(v : variable, a : value) {
    pushItem #evaluateVariable("v." + a);

It allows building the structure of the parse tree dynamically. It is the case when parsing an XML file with no information about its DTD.

26feb2003 feature - Add of a new BNF directive: #pushItem(variable) sequence–of–BNF–instructions. The directive pushes a new item into the array of the node variable and executes the sequence of BNF instructions that follow. If the sequence fails, the last element of the array variable is removed.
21feb2003 improvement Gwenael CHAZAL The memory space of parse trees has been reduced, and will be more later.
17feb2003 function -
  • procedure removeFirstElement(list : tree)
    listtreean array of nodes

    Removes the first element from the array of nodes called list.

    Nothing occurs if list doesn‘t exist or is empty.

  • procedure removeLastElement(list : tree)
    listtreean array of nodes

    Removes the last element from the array of nodes called list.

    Nothing occurs if list doesn‘t exist or is empty.

17feb2003 bug_fix - Use of free memory might have occurred on function removeElement().
12feb2003 function -
  • function octalToDecimal(octalNumber : string) : int
    octalNumberstringan octal integer to convert to a decimal number

    Converts an octal integer, passed to the argument octalNumber, to a signed decimal integer and returns the result. If octalNumber doesn‘t conform to the syntax of an octal number (octalNumber ::= #!ignore [‘0‘..‘8‘]+), the function raises an error.

  • function hexaToDecimal(hexaNumber : string) : int
    hexaNumberstringan hexadecimal integer to convert to a decimal number

    Converts an hexadecimal integer, passed to the argument hexaNumber, to a signed decimal integer and returns the result. If hexaNumber doesn‘t conform to the syntax of an hexadecimal number (hexaNumber ::= #!ignore [‘0‘..‘9‘ | #noCase ‘A‘..‘F‘]+), the function raises an error.

06feb2003 improvement - Now, the option ‘–c++‘ admits a second optional parameter, which is the root path of CodeWorker either in development or distributed state (subfolders aren‘t the same).
06feb2003 improvement - Better way to ignore insignificant characters between tokens. May have corrected strange behaviors in some use cases.
06feb2003 feature - Add of a new predefined BNF clause: #readCompleteIdentifier is valid if and only if the current position of the input stream coincides with the beginning of an identifier.

Examples: if the current position points to the fifth character...

  • #readCompleteIdentifier scans "room" from the input stream "1234room",
  • #readCompleteIdentifier fails to scan the input stream "mushroom", because "room" doesn‘t coincide with the beginning of an identifier, but is a part of "mushroom".
06feb2003 bug_fix - The implicit copy of source–to–source translation (running the BNF–translation script in #implicitCopy mode) wasn‘t working correctly while copying ignored characters (specified by #ignore(...)) to the output stream.
06feb2003 bug_fix - The implicit copy of source–to–source translation (running the BNF–translation script in #implicitCopy mode) wasn‘t working correctly on token operator –>.
05feb2003 feature - Add of two new predefined BNF clauses:
  • #readInteger to scan an integer ; equivalent to #!ignore [‘0‘..‘9‘]+,
  • #readNumeric to scan a floating–point number ; equivalent to #!ignore [#readInteger [‘.‘ [‘0‘..‘9‘]*]? | ‘.‘ [‘0‘..‘9‘]*] [[‘e‘ | ‘E‘] [‘+‘ | ‘–‘]? [‘0‘..‘9‘]+]?,
05feb2003 function -
  • function readByte() : string
    Returns the byte read at the current file position, or an empty string if the end of file has been reached. If succeeded, the position of the input file moves to the next character.

    The byte is returned as a 2–hexadecimal digit.

  • procedure writeBytes(bytes : string)
    bytesstringsequence of bytes to write at the current position of the output stream

    Writes a sequence of bytes passed to argument bytes, at the current position of the output stream.

    A byte is a couple of hexadecimal digits.

05feb2003 feature - Add of a new predefined BNF clause: #readByte to scan a byte (converted to a) 2–hexadecimal digit in the parse tree).
05feb2003 bug_fix - When a BNF token with a set of constant to check didn‘t match the input stream, the error message was writing the token expression badly.
03feb2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL While compiling the C++ translation of scripts:
  • 3 parameters expected to initialize the runtime environment of a BNF–parsing script since version 2.03,
  • conversion to string expected for the name of files to generate (C++ translation of functions generate(), expand(), translate()),
31jan2003 function -
  • function byteToChar(byte : string) : string
    bytestringan hexadecimal number of 2 digits exactly

    Converts a byte to a character. A byte is considered as an hexadecimal number of 2 digits exactly.

    If the argument byte doesn‘t contain an hexadecimal number of 2 digits, an error is raised. If byte is worth ‘00‘, the function returns an empty string.

  • function charToByte(char : string) : string
    charstringa character

    Converts a character to its hexadecimal representation, taking 2 digits, even if less than 0x10.

    If the argument char is empty, the function returns ‘00‘. If it contains more than one character, an error is raised.

31jan2003 function -
  • function loadBinaryFile(file : string) : string
    filestringname of the binary file to load

    Returns the binary content of the file whose name is passed to argument file. The content concatenates a sequence of hexadecimal digits, so a byte is stored in 2 characters:
    binary–content ::= [byte]*;
    byte ::= [‘0‘..‘9‘ | ‘A‘..‘F‘ | ‘a‘..‘f‘]2;

    If the file doesn‘t exist or can‘t be read with success, an error occurs.

  • procedure saveBinaryToFile(filename : stringcontent : string)
    filenamestringname of the binary file to write into
    contentstringsequence of bytes (2 hexadecimal digits) to write into the file

    Saves the binary content to the file filename. The parameter content concatenates a sequence of hexadecimal digits, so a byte is stored in 2 characters:
    binary–content ::= [byte]*;
    byte ::= [‘0‘..‘9‘ | ‘A‘..‘F‘ | ‘a‘..‘f‘]2;

    The hexadecimal pairs of digit are converted to binary (8 bits) before writing the content.

    If the file cannot be created, an error is raised. If the file already exists, its content is replaced by the new binary content.

  • procedure saveToFile(filename : stringcontent : string)
    filenamestringname of the text file to write into
    contentstringsequence of characters to write into the file

    Saves the text content to the file filename.

    If the file cannot be created, an error is raised. If the file already exists, its content is replaced by the new text content.

31jan2003 feature - Add of the statement modifier parsed_file(filename) statement and of a new BNF–script directive #parsedFile(filename)BNF–sequence
31jan2003 option - Add of a new option on the command line: -parseBNF
CodeWorker 2.03, 31jan2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2256234
Any platform (?) sources 975153
Date Type Caller Description
30jan2003 feature Laurent RIESTERER CodeWorker enables to come back up the parent of a node into the parse tree. the syntax is myVariable#parent to take back the parent of myVariable.
30jan2003 bug_fix - Bad translation in C++ of myVariable#back, which was generated as myVariable#front with the option ‘–c++‘ on the command line!
30jan2003 option - Add of a new option on the command line: -translate
28jan2003 feature apm35 Add of two directives in the Extended BNF grammar: #implicitCopy and #explicitCopy, used into a translation script:
  • #implicitCopy means that the scanned text is copied to the output stream during the pattern matching. If a rule fails, the scanned text is removed from the output stream, up to the last valid token,
  • #explicitCopy means that the translation doesn‘t take in charge of populating the output stream. You have to specify it (the classical mode).
It simplifies scripts for source transformations in source–to–source translations (function translate()), where both the input and the output are written in the same language and that only some little transformation may occur on the output. Example: to scan all variable identifiers and to rename them after applying a coding rule.
28jan2003 function -
  • function getOutputLocation() : int
    Returns the current file position for writing to the output stream.
  • procedure resizeOutputStream(newSize : int)
    newSizeintnew size of the output stream

    This procedure changes the size of the output stream to newSize. The only allowed resizing is to reduce the stream (the request is ignored otherwise). If the current position becomes out of the boundaries, it points to the new end of the output stream.

  • procedure setOutputLocation(location : int)
    locationintpoints to a position of the output stream

    This procedure moves the position of the output stream elsewhere. The position passed to the argument location starts at 0.

24jan2003 feature - Add of a new kind of regular expression for the BNF parsing scripts: –> followed by a token means that the parser has to find the next occurrence of the token into the imput stream. In case of success, the position moves just after the matched token.

is equivalent to
[~expression]* expression

24jan2003 bug_fix Gwenael CHAZAL Normally, the option –stack prevents infinite loops of functions calling, but a bug has hidden another:
  • When the internal function–call stack had reached a depth of more than 128 entries, raising an error had caused to crash the interpreter,
  • The stack allocated by the VC++ linker wasn‘t sufficient,
CodeWorker 2.02.1, 23jan2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2216925
Any platform (?) sources 923022
Date Type Caller Description
23jan2003 improvement - Correction of some spelling mistakes into the documentation and the source code.
CodeWorker 2.02, 22jan2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2216973
Any platform (?) sources 925066
Date Type Caller Description
22jan2003 bug_fix Laurent RIESTERER The function coreString(text, pos, last) didn‘t work correctly when pos was equal to 0 (an empty string was returned systematically).
CodeWorker 2.01, 22jan2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2217184
Any platform (?) sources 922151
Date Type Caller Description
20jan2003 feature - A BNF clause may precise a different #ignore mode, which will be applied just before running it by the caller. For example:

myClause #ignore(blanks) ::= ... ;


myCallerClause ::= #ignore(C++) ... myClause

means that when myCallerClause will arrive on the myClause expression, it won‘t ignore all what match the C++ empty characters (#ignore(C++) was put at the beginning), but it will ignore blanks only (as specified into the declaration of the clause myClause).

CodeWorker 2.0, 21jan2003
Platform Type Size Archive
WINDOWS 98/2000/NT/XP binaries 2216065
Any platform (?) sources 923724
Date Type Caller Description
19jan2003 note - First valid publication of the tool on Internet.
 CodeWorker is maintained by Cedric Lemaire. Please send a mail to Submit a bug or feature